The Faculty Publications collection contains books, book chapters, and articles authored by Sacred Heart University faculty and staff. The papers were published in open access journals or in journals whose publishers permit publication in repositories such as the Digital Commons at Sacred Heart University, or link to publications which do not allow open access. These works may also be found under other series within this depository, such as Faculty publications within various academic departments.
Submissions from 2001
The Sharpness of a Lower Bound on the Algebraic Connectivity for Maximal Graphs, Stephen J. Kirkland, Jason J. Molitierno, and Michael Neumann
Gender Stereotyping of Computing: Has Increased Exposure to Computing and the Internet Caused Perceptions to Change, Kittipong Laosethakul and Summer Bartczak
Sex and Marriage in the Catholic Tradition: An Historical Overview, Douglas R. Letson, ed. and Michael W. Higgins
Application and Interpretation of Simple Odds Ratios in Physical Therapy-Related Research, Pamela Levangie
Commentary: Flexural Wave Propagation Velocity and Bone Mineral Density in Females With and Without Tibial Bone Stress Injuries, Pamela Levangie
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis, Pamela K. Levangie and Cynthia C. Norkin
Topologically Pure Extensions, Peter Loth
Integrating Environmentally Focused Experiential Learning into the Curriculum: An Interdisciplinary Case Study, Bridget M. Lyons, Marion Calabrese, and Teresa Ralabate
Review of "Passionate Journeys: Why Successful Women Joined a Cult" by Marion S. Goldman, Christel Manning
A Tribute to Marie Cardinal, Claire Marrone
George Sand and Cristina Di Belgiojoso's Literary Dialogue, Claire Marrone
Women Writing Auto/biography: Anna Banti’s Artemisia and Eunice Lipton’s Alias Olympia, Claire Marrone
Cervantes and the Reinvention of the Picaresque Narrative in the Novelas Ejemplares, Mark J. Mascia
Pablo Neruda and the Construction of Past and Future Utopias in the Canto General, Mark J. Mascia
The Sonnet as Mirror: Metapoetry and Self-Referentiality in Lope deVega's Rimas', Mark J. Mascia
To Judge Through Verse: The Sonnets of Lope De Vega's La Circe and His Engagement with Literature, Mark J. Mascia
The Politics of Truth and Deception: Charlotte Smith and the French Revolution, Judith Davis Miller
Autism: A Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Approach, Heather Miller-Kuhaneck ed.
Coefficient of Ergodicity Type Bounds for the Algebraic Connectivity of Graphs, Jason J. Molitierno
The Algebraic Connectivity of Two Trees Connected by an Edge of Infinite Weight, Jason J. Molitierno and Michael Neumann
The Drama of Dysfunction: Value Conflict in US Managed Care, Diana D. Mrotek
Strategy for Implementation of IFAC International Education Guideline No. 9: “Prequalification Education, Tests of Professional Competence and Practical Experience of Professional Accountants”: A Task Force Report of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER), Belverd E. Needles Jr., Karen Cascini, Tatiana Krylova, and Mohamed Moustafa
Brigitte Granville (Ed.), Essays on the World Economy and Its Financial System (Book Review), Lucjan T. Orlowski
Central European Economies in the Aftermath of the Russian Payments Crisis, Lucjan T. Orlowski
From Inflation Targeting to the Euro-Peg: A Model of Monetary Convergence for Transition Economies, Lucjan T. Orlowski
Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries: The Ten-Year Experience, Lucjan T. Orlowski ed.
The Pizzi Holistic Wellness Assessment, Michael Pizzi
Marian Protestantism: Six Studies. By Andrew Pettegree (Book Review), John B. Roney
Review of "Constraint on Trial: Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert and Religious Freedom" by Gerrit Voogt, John B. Roney
Connecticut Government at the Millennium, Gary L. Rose
'Good Little Bad Girls': Controversy and the Flapper Comedienne, Sara Ross
Who Moved My Cheese? (Book Review), Matthew H. Roy
Quantal Density Functional Theory of Excited States, Viraht Sahni, Lou Massa, Ranbir Singh, and Marlina Slamet
Speech and Prosody Characteristics of Adolescents and Adults With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome, Lawrence D. Shriberg, Rhea Paul, Jane McSweeny, Ami Klin, Donald Cohen, and Fred Volkmar
Quantal Density Functional Theory of Excited States: Application to an Exactly Solvable Model, Marlina Slamet and Viraht Sahni
Morality, Religion, and Public Bioethics: Shifting the Paradigm for the Public Discussion of Embryo Research and Human Cloning, Brian Stiltner
Charting a Career in Health Care Management: Boxing the Compass, Dori Taylor Sullivan
Insights: Social Psychology: A Customized Social Psychology Reader, Christina J. Taylor comp. and Mindy Miserendino ed.
Marketing Management: Cases for Creative Problem Solving, Laurence Weinstein and Madan Annavarjula
Submissions from 2000
Sex Ratio Manipulation Within Broods of House Wrens, Troglodytes aedon, Daniel J. Albrecht
Parameters Influencing Sediments Resuspension and the Link to Sorption of Inorganic Compounds, Eid A. Alkhatib and Keith Castor
Multinationality-Performance Relationship: A Review and Reconceptualization, Madan Annavarjula and Sam Beldona
Parental Care in Sphaerium Striatinum Lamarck: Evidence for Retention of Competent Offspring, Mark Beekey, Ronald H. Karlson, and Alyse R. Greenberg
Integrating Neurobehavioral Concepts Into Early Intervention Eligibility Evaluation, Yvette Blanchard and Laurie Mouradian
Oscar Micheaux's Body and Soul and the Burden of Representation, Pearl Bowser and Louise Spence
Writing Himself into History: Oscar Micheaux, His Silent Films, and His Audiences, Pearl Bowser and Louise Spence
An Analysis of Academic Reputation as Perceived by Consumers of Higher Education, Michael J. Conard and Maureen A. Conard
An Analysis of Academic Reputation as Perceived by Consumers of Higher Education, Michael J. Conard and Maureen A. Conard
The Problem of Religion, Violence, and Peace: An Uneasy Trilogy, David L. Coppola