Submissions from 2012
Powdered Red Yeast Rice and Plant Stanols and Sterols to Lower Cholesterol, Joseph Stefon Feuerstein and Wendy Bjerke
The Association of Natural Elements and Trail Use by Adults, Anna E. Greer, Julian A. Reed, and Steve P. Hooker
Trail User Demographics, Physical Activity Behaviors, and Perceptions of a Newly Constructed Greenway Trail, Anna E. Greer, Julian A. Reed, and Suresh Muthukrishnan
Multisite Qualitative Study of Primary Care Physicians’ and Midlevel Providers’ Self-Reported Practices and Perceptions About Maintaining Cognitive Health, Angela K. Hochhalter, Lucinda L. Bryant, Rebecca Hunter, Rui Liu, Daniela B. Friedman, Anna E. Greer, Joseph Sharkey, Swarna Reddy, Anthony J. Caprio, and Sindy McCrystle
Beliefs About Promoting Cognitive Health Among Filipino Americans Who Care For Persons With Dementia, Sarah B. Laditka, Winston Tseng, Anna E. Greer, Susan L. Ivey, Daniela B. Friedman, Rui Liu, Bei Wu, Rebecca G. Logsdon, and Renée L. Beard
Associations Between Sociodemographic Characteristics and Perceptions of the Built Environment With the Frequency, Type, and Duration of Physical Activity Among Trail Users, Andréa L. Maslow, Julian A. Reed, Anna E. Greer, and Steven P. Hooker
Demographic Characteristics and Physical Activity Behavior of Park-Visitors Versus Non-Visitors, Julian A. Reed and Anna E. Price
Demographic Characteristics and Physical Activity Behaviors in Sixteen Michigan Parks, Julian A. Reed, Anna E. Price, Lisa Grost, and Karah Mantinan
Clients with Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy, Paul Sorace, Peter Ronai, and Tom LaFontaine
How Do Top Cable News Websites Portray Cognition as an Aging Issue?, Anna E. Vandenberg, Anna E. Greer, Daniela B. Friedman, Graham Marchman, and Lynda A. Anderson
Submissions from 2011
Health and Fitness Programs for Firefighters, Wendy Bjerke Ph.D.
The Impact of Infectious Disease on Chronic Disease: A Review of Contemporary Findings, Wendy Bjerke
A Dietary Approach for Treating Dyslipidemia and Hyperglycemia, Joseph Stefon Feuerstein, Leyna Bautista, and Wendy Bjerke
A Content Analysis Of Cognitive Health Promotion In Popular Magazines, Daniela B. Friedman, Sarah B. Laditka, James N. Laditka, and Anna E. Price
Ethnically Diverse Older Adults' Beliefs about Staying Mentally Sharp, Daniela B. Friedman, Sarah B. Laditka, James N. Laditka, and Anna E. Price
Physical Activity and Cognitive-Health Content in Top-Circulating Magazines, 2006–2008, Anna E. Greer, Sara J. Corwin, and Daniela B. Friedman
School Administrators' Perceptions of Factors That Influence Children's Active Travel to School, Anna E. Greer, Delores M. Pluto, Olga Ogoussan, and Jorge A. Banda
Acute Arginine Supplementation Fails to Improve Muscle Endurance or Affect Blood Pressure Responses to Resistance Training, Beau K. Greer and Brett T. Jones
Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation Lowers Perceived Exertion But Does Not Affect Performance in Untrained Males, Beau K. Greer, Jim P. White, Eric M. Arguello, and Emily M. Haymes
Fitness and Adiposity as Predictors of Functional Limitation in Adults, Andréa L. Maslow, Anna E. Price, Xuemei Sui, Duck-chul Lee, Ikka Vuori, and Steven N. Blair
Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise, Peter Ronai and Tom LaFontaine
Exercise Guidelines for Persons With Multiple Sclerosis, Peter Ronai, Tom LaFontaine, and Lance Bollinger
Resistance Circuit Training: Its Application for the Adult Population, Mike Waller, Jason Miller, and James Hannon
Submissions from 2010
Knee Cooling Alters Dynamic Neuromuscular Control and Decreases Joint Laxity: 2059, Eric M. Arguello, Beau K. Greer, Lynn B. Panton, and Emily M. Haymes
Peripheral Arterial Disease: Exercise Is MedicineTM, Paul Sorace, Peter Ronai, and James R. Churilla
Primary Care Providers' Sources And Preferences For Cognitive Health Information In The United States, Jan Warren-Findlow, Anna E. Greer, Angela K. Hochhalter, and James N. Laditka
Submissions from 2008
Resistance Training for Cardiac Patients: Maximizing Rehabilitation, Paul Sorace, Peter Ronai, and James R. Churilla
Effect of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplement Timing on Acute Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage, James P. White, Jacob M. Wilson, Krista G. Austin, Beau K. Greer, Noah St. John, and Lynn B. Panton
Submissions from 2007
Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation and Indicators of Muscle Damage After Endurance Exercise, Beau K. Greer, John L. Woodard, Jim P. White, Eric M. Arguello, and Emily M. Haymes
Submissions from 2006
The Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Indirect Indicators of Muscle Damage and Performance, Beau K. Greer
Submissions from 2005
Exercise Modifications and Strategies to Enhance Shoulder Function, Peter Ronai
Submissions from 2003
Effects of Tensioning Errors in Split Transfers of Tibialis Anterior and Posterior Tendons, Stephen J. Piazza, Matthew F. Moran, Neil A. Sharkey, Robert L. Adamson, and James O. Sanders
Submissions from 2002
Effects of Ibuprofen and Vicoprofen (R) on Physical Performance after Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage, Jaci L. Van Heest, Jim Stoppani, Tim P. Scheett, and Valerie Wherley