Submissions from 2023
Interpretable Stock Price Forecasting Model Using Genetic Algorithm-machine Learning Regressions and Best Feature Subset Selection, Kyung Keun Yun, Sang Wong Yoon, and Daehan Won
Innovations and Ambidextrous Transition: Mitigating Earnings Management and Firm Risk in China, William C. Zhou, Ying Huang, and Sunny Li Sun
Submissions from 2022
The New Accounting for Operating Leases: Unintended Consequences in the Airline Industry, Renata Bandeira, Bridget M. Lyons, and Carolyn Trabuco
Supervisory Enforcement Actions Against Banks and Systemic Risk, Allen N. Berger, Jin Cai, Raluca A. Roman, and John Sedunov
Thinking about Developing Business Leadership for the Post-COVID World, Stephen M. Brown and Martha J. Crawford
Bank Herding and Systemic Risk, Jin Cai
Policy Suggestions from a Simple Framework with Extreme Outcomes, Lorán Chollete, Dwight Jaffee, and Khawaja Mamun
Three Popes: Lessons in Leadership—The Powerful Learnings of Predecessors in Developing One’s Leadership Style and Approach, Valerie Christian and Mary G. Trefry
Sharing Strategic Decisions: CEO Humility, TMT Decentralization, and Ethical Culture, Sebastian Cortes-Mejia, Andrés Felipe Cortés, and Pol Herrmann
Forecasting Variance Swap Payoffs, Jonathan Dark, Xin Gao, Thijs van der Heijden, and Federico Nardari
Institutional and Stakeholder Effects on Carbon Mitigation Strategies, Kathy K. Dhanda, Joseph Sarkis, and Dileep G. Dhavale
Increasing the Utility of Performance Audit Reports: Using Textual Analytics Tools to Improve Government Reporting, Huijue Kelly Duan, Hanxin Hu, Yangin Yoon, and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi
Tick Size, Institutional Trading, and Market Making: A Study of the SEC Tick Size Pilot Program, Xin Gao, Kaitao Lin, and Rui Liu
Incorporating Financial Statement Information to Improve Forecasts of Corporate Taxable Income, Danielle H. Green, Erin Henry, Sarah M. Parsons, and George A. Plesko
Mix It Up? The Influence of Team Composition on Employee Perceptions of Stressors in a Post-Merger Environment, Angela R. Grotto and Jeanine K. Andreassi
Sport Event Innovation: A Preliminary Conceptualization and Directions for Future Research, Kristina J. Hoff, Becca Leopkey, and Dana Ellis
10 Good Reasons Why LLCs Should Not Elect to Be S Corporations, Paul N. Iannone and Danny A. Pannese
The Surprisingly Complex World of Federal Tax Refunds, Paul N. Iannone, Danny A. Pannese, and Benoit Boyer
The Effects of Cash-Holding Motivation on Cash Management Dynamics, Jing Jiang and Shanhong Wu
CEO Proactiveness, Innovation, and Firm Performance, Anfreea N. Kiss, Andrés Felipe Cortés, and Pol Hermann
A Perspective on Value Co-creation Processes in eSports Service Ecosystems, Reinhard Kunz, Alexander Roth, and James Santomier
Guest Editorial : New Trends in Entrepreneurship: A Global Context, Jun Li, Irem Demirkan, Younggeun Lee, and Andrés Felipe Cortés
Valuation Challenges Arising From the New Leasing Standard ASC 842: A Teaching Note, Bridget M. Lyons
The Ups and Downs of SPACs, Bridget M. Lyons and Barbara M. Tarasovich
Empirical Examination of the Direct and Moderating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Top Executive Compensation, Mahfuja Malik and Eunsup Daniel Shim
Territorial Consumer Behaviors on Social Media: A Dark Side of Psychological Ownership, Petru Dorin Micu and Christy Ashley
It’s About Enjoying the Virtual Experience: The Role of Enjoyment and Engagement in the Adoption of Virtual Reality in Marketing Education, Gerardo J. Moreira, Cuauhtémoc Luna-Nevarez, and Enda McGovern
Gender Differences in the Impact of Worklife on Executives’ Psychological Health, Marcus B. Mueller
How Do Founder-CEOs Sell Their Remaining Ownership Shares? Theory and Evidence, Xu Niu
Distilling the Interplay Between Corporate Environmental Management, Financial, and Emissions Performance: Evidence From U.S. Firms, Olawale Ogunrinde, Ekundayo Shittu, and Kathy K. Dhanda
Economic Resilience in Times of Public Health Shock: The Case of the US States, Syed M. I. Osman, Faridul Islam, and Nazmus Sakib
Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccination Rate in USA: A Machine Learning Approach, Syed M. I. Osman and Ahmed Sabit
Introduction: Modern Classics in Entrepreneurship Studies, Arturo E. Osorio, Banu Ozkazanc-Pan, Dev K. Dutta, Golshan Javadian, Vishal K. Gupta, and Chun (Grace) Guo
Modern Classics in Entrepreneurship Studies: Building the Future of the Field, Banu Ozkazanc-Pan ed., Arturo E. Osorio ed., Dev K. Dutta ed., Vishal K. Gupta ed., Golshan Javadian ed., and Chun (Grace) Guo ed.
Legal Issues Inside the Unnatural World of Metaverse, Richard L. Pate
Co-Jumps, Co-Jump Tests, and Volatility Forecasting: Monte Carlo and Empirical Evidence, Weijia Peng and Chun Yao
COVID-19 Vaccine Perceived Risks and Benefits: Scale Development and Initial Tests of the Psychometric Properties, Ruchika Sachdeva
Pandemic, Perceived Risk, and Cognitive Dissonance as Antecedents to Need for Cognitive Closure, Ruchika Sachdeva
The Coronavirus Shopping Anxiety Scale: Initial Validation and Development, Ruchika Sachdeva
The Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer–brand Relationships: Evidence of Brand Evangelism Behaviors, Hemant C. Sashittal, Avan R. Jassawalla, and Ruchika Sachdeva
How Do Consumers in General Evaluate, Judge, and Act toward Shoplifting? The Moderating Effects of Personal Characteristics and Motives Shoplifting?, Juehui Shi, Ngoc (Cindy) Pham, Claudio Schapsis, Tofazzal Hossain, and Arturo Z. Vasquez-Párraga
A Survey of U.S. Firms' Pricing Strategies and Costing Methods, Eunsup Daniel Shim and Ralph Lim
The Power of Emotional Appeal in Motivating Behaviors to Mitigate Climate Change among Generation Z, Weiting Tao, Shiyun (Chloe) Tian, Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai, and Michelle Seelig
The Impact of Workload, Productivity, and Social Support on Burnout Among Marketing Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic, David G. Taylor and Michael Frechette
Effects of Celebrity, Social Media Influencer, and Peer Endorsements on Consumer Responses Toward a Celebrity-owned Brand: The Role of Source Credibility and Congruency, Shiyun (Chloe) Tian and Jo-Yun Li
Quantifying the Evidential Value of Celebrity Endorsement: A p-Curve Analysis, Shiyun Chloe Tian, Ruoyu Sun, Qian Huang, and John Petit
From Classroom to Metaverse. Towards Methodology for Upskilling and Reskilling in the Age of Web 3.0, Tamilla Triantoro and Nicole C. Jackson
Willingness to Give Amid Pandemics: A Contingent Valuation of Anticipated Nongovernmental Immunization Programs, William F. Vásquez and Jennifer Trudeau
A Reflection on "Emerging Issues in Corporate Entrepreneurship" by Dess, Ireland, Zahra, Floyd, Janney and Lane (2003, JOM), Qin Yang and Chun (Grace) Guo
A Reflection on “Emerging Issues in Corporate Entrepreneurship” by Dess, Ireland, Zahra, Floyd, Janney, and Lane (2003, JOM), Qin Yang and Chun (Grace) Guo