Submissions from 2025
Initiate, adopt, implement, and transfer: exploring the innovation process undergone by mega-sport event organizing committees, Kristina J. Hoff and Becca Leopkey
Submissions from 2024
Altcoins as Safe Havens for Bitcoin Investors, Jin Cai and Gerald Pinto
Assessing the Volatility of Green Firms, Lorán Chollete, W. Keener Hughen, Ching-Chih Lu, and Weijia Peng
ChatGPT for Marketers: Limitations and Mitigations, Despina Christou, Kostas Hatalis, Mark G. Stanton, and Michael Frechette
Near The Breaking Point: CEO Job Demands, Innovation, and The Role of CEO Emotions, Andrés Felipe Cortés and Pol Herrmann
Always Desire More? CEO Perception of relative Compensation, Risk, Prpensity, and Innovation in SME's, Andrés Felipe Cortés, Youngeeun Lee, and Pol Herrmann
When It’s Better Than Expected: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Firm-Provided Paid Parental Leave and Employee Organizational Commitment, Angela R. Grotto and Jeanine K. Andreassi
Researching Sport Events, Kristina J. Hoff and Becca Leopkey
Adding Hope to Mitigate Defensive Responses: The Effect of Guilt+Hope Appeals in Road Safety Campaigns, Bingjing Mao, Nicholas Carcioppolo, Shiyun Chloe Tian, and Tyler R. Harrison
Bored and Loving It, Richard L. Pate
The Ethical Student Scale: Development of A New Measure, Tuvana Rua, Leanna Lawter, and Jeanine K. Andreassi Ph.D.
Digital Transformation: The Global Sport Industry, James Santomier
Identifying Local Priorities for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise Via Stated Preferences: A Choice Experiment from Two Coastal Cities in Guatemala, William F. Vasquez, Robert H. Nazarian, and Jennifer Trudeau
Americans’ Willingness to Give to Global Immunization Programs: Political Heterogeneity in Preferences for Program Management and Response to Priming Communications, William F. Vásquez and Jennifer Trudeau
Business and Sustainability, Scott T. Young, Kathy K. Dhanda, and Steve Hollenhorst
Submissions from 2023
Chinese Yuan Interest Rate Swap Yields, Tanweer Akram and Khawaja Mamun
U.S. Dollar Swap Yields: An Analysis of the Dynamics of Monthly Changes, Tanweer Akram and Khawaja Mamun
Peer Pressure, Information Technology Adoption, and Bank Performance, Md Al Mamun, Mahfuja Malik, and Md Abdul Hannan Mia
Wirecard and Potential U.S. Audit Issues, Benoit Boyer, Danny A. Pannese, and Paul N. Iannone
Has Corporate Efficiency Changed Over Time and With Change in Technology? A Stochastic Frontier Approach, Lorán Chollete, Ching Chih-Lu, and Rina Ray
The Price of Independence in a Model With Unknown Dependence, Lorán Chollete, Victor de la Peña, and Michael Klass
Word-of-Mouth Endorsements and Goal Type in Service Advertising, Tilottama Chowdhury, Petru Dorin Micu, Mahfuj Munshi, and Camelia C. Micu
Is Managerial Discretion High in Small Firms? A Theoretical Framework, Andrés Felipe Cortés and Andreea N. Kiss
Enhancing the Government Accounting Information Systems Using Social Media Information: An Application of Text mining and Machine Learning, Huijue Kelly Duan, Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, Mauricio Codesso, and Zamil Alzamil
Perceived Employability of Skilled Migrants: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda, Ali Farashah, Tomas Blomqusit, Akram Al Ariss, and Chun (Grace) Guo
Positioning Context Front and Center in International Human Resource Management Research, Elaine Farndale, Jaime Bonache, Anthony McDonnell, and Bora Kwon
The Relative Pricing of WTI and Brent Crude Oil Futures: Expectations or Risk Premia?, Xin Gao, Bingxin Li, and Rui Liu
Mining the Short Side: Institutional Investors and Stock Market Anomalies, Xin Gao and Ying Wang
Ethical Leadership and Follower Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: Examining the Dual Influence Mechanisms of Affective and Continuance Commitments, Jong Gyu Park, Weichun Zhu, Bora Kwon, and Hojin Bang
Asymmetric Responses of Equity Returns to Changes in Exchange Rates at Different Market Volatility Levels, Michael D. Herley, Lucjan T. Orlowski, and Mark A. Ritter
Organizing Committees for the Olympic Games and Satellite Host Local Organizing Committees: Examining their Relationships and Impact on Legacy Creation, Kristina J. Hoff, Becca Leopkey, and Jinsu Byun
A Primer: M&A Transactions, Essential Fundamental Structures for Federal Tax Basis Step Up, Paul N. Iannone, Danny A. Pannese, and Benoit Boyer
Essential Fundamental Structures for Federal Tax Basis Step Up in M&A Transactions: A Primer, Paul N. Iannone, Danny A. Pannese, and Benoit Boyer
The Impact of Labor on The Performance of Founder-Family Firms, Mural Jagannathan, Brett W. Myers, and Xu Niu
Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors Can Help Identify Driving Factors of Poor Air Quality and Benefit Communities, Tim Keyes, Rea Domingo, Samantha Dynowski, Royal Graves, Martha Klein, Melissa Leonard, John Pilgrim, Alison Sanchirico, and Kate Trinkaus
Managerial Incentives for ESG in the Financial Services Industry: Direct and Indirect Association Between ESG and Executive Compensation, Jooh Lee, Kyungyeon (Rachel) Koh, and Eunsup Daniel Shim
Twenty-five Years of New England Journal of Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Review, Younggeun Lee, Satish Kumar, Andrés Felipe Cortés, Riya Sureka, and Weng Marc Lim
Texas Cowboy Boots: America's Material Culture Melting Pot, David Loranger and Lorynn Divita
Transforming Luxury: Global Luxury Brand Executives’ Perceptions During COVID, David Loranger and Erik Roeraas
Product Recall and CEO Compensation: Evidence from the Automobile Industry, Mahfuja Malik and Fatima Jebari
Individual Self-control and Collective Outcomes: An Examination of Cigarette Addiction and Taxes, Khawaja Mamun and Lorán Chollete
How Susceptible Is the European Financial Stability to Economic Policy Uncertainty?, Lucjan T. Orlowski
Uncovered Equity Returns Parity in Non‐Euro Central European EU Member Countries, Lucjan T. Orlowski, Carolyne Cebrian Soper, and Monika Sywak
The Fair Market Value-Fair Value Dichotomy: Valuation Discounts in Recent Shareholder Dissent Cases, Danny A. Pannese, Benoit Boyer, and Paul N. Iannone
Sector-level Equity Returns Predictability with Machine Learning and Market Contagion Measure, Weijia Peng and Chun Yao
Testing Alternative Cultural Explanations of Managers’ Values across the U.S.-Canada Border, Mark F. Peterson, Tais Barreto, Norm Robert Althouse, Nicholas Athanassiou, Wendy R. Carroll, Julia Gluesing, Chun (Grace) Guo, Mark R. Meckler, David C. Thomas, Mary G. Trefry, Markus Vodosek, Todd Weber, and Davina E. Vora
Human Capital Heterogeneity of the Unemployed and Jobless Recoveries, Nic Pusateri
The National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Digital Transformation: An Explanatory Case Study, James Santomier, Harald Dolles, and Reinhard Kunz
'A Fine Example of Brotherhood and Sportsmanship’: The 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games in the Era of the ‘Little Détente’, Sam Schelfhout and Thomas M. Hunt
Antecedents and Outcomes of Generation Z Consumers’ Contrastive and Assimilative Upward Comparisons With Social Media Influencers, Shiyun Chloe Tian, Su Yeon Cho, Xiaofeng Jia, Ruoyu Sun, and Wanhsiu Sunny Tsai