Submissions from 2007
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation 2nd ed., Michelle M. Lusardi, Caroline C. Nielsen, Michael J. Emery, Donna M. Bowers, and Victor G. Vaughan
Understanding Newborn Behavior and Early Relationships: The Newborn Behavior Observations (NBO) System Handbook, J. Kevin Nugent, Constance H. Keefer, Susan Minear, Lise C. Johnson, and Yvette Blanchard
Rehabilitation of Persons with Transtibial Amputation, Julie D. Ries and Victor G. Vaughan
Submissions from 2006
Newborn Behavior and Development: Implications for Health Care Professionals, J. Kevin Nugent and Yvette Blanchard
Submissions from 2005
The Influence of Concurrent Cognitive Tasks on Postural Sway in Children, Yvette Blanchard, Shannon Carey, Jocelyn Coffey, Alison Cohen, Trisha Harris, Stephanie Michlik, and Geraldine Pellecchia
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis, Pamela K. Levangie and Cynthia C. Norkin
Submissions from 2004
A Comparison of High-Profile and Low-Profile Dynamic Mobilization Splint Designs, Gary P. Austin, Marlina Slamet, David Cameron, and Noelle M. Austin
Interrater Reliability of Early Intervention Providers Scoring the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, Yvette Blanchard, E. Neilan, J. Busanich, L. Garavuso, and D. Klimas
Getting Up From the Floor: Determinants and Techniques Among Healthy Older Adults, Richard W. Bohannon and Michelle M. Lusardi
A Comparison of Hip Versus Ankle Exercises in Elders and the Influence on Balance and Gait, Laura Z. Gras, Pamela Levangie, Mary (Tina) Goodwin-Segal, and Deborah A. Lawrence
Submissions from 2003
Physical Impairments Related to Kinetic Energy During Sit-to-Stand and Curb-Climbing Following Stroke, Denise M. Cameron, Richard W. Bohannon, Gladys E. Garrett, Steven V. Owen, and David A. Cameron
A Prehabilitation Program for Physically Frail Community-Living Older Persons, Thomas M. Gill, Dorothy I. Baker, Margaret Gottschalk, Evelyne A. Gahbauer, Peter A. Charpentier, Paul T. DeRegt, and Sarah J. Wallace
Determinants of Balance Confidence in Community-Dwelling Elderly People, Janine Hatch, Kathleen M. Gill-Body, and Leslie G. Portney
Submissions from 2002
Thoracic Pain in a Collegiate Runner (Case Report), Gary P. Austin and W. T. Benesky
Effect of Added Mass on Human Unipedal Hopping, Gary P. Austin, Gladys E. Garrett, and David Tiberio
Effect of Frequency on Human Unipedal Hopping, Gary P. Austin, David Tiberio, and Gladys E. Garrett
Exercise Habits of Middle School Children With and Without Asthma, Donna M. Bowers
Preparing Students for EBP, Pamela Levangie
A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice in Entry-Level Health Professional Education, Michelle M. Lusardi, Pamela Levangie, and Beverly D. Fein
L’Observation du Comportement du Nouveau-Ne: Une Source Pertinente d’Informations Medicales, N. Ratynski, G. Cioni, L. Franck, Yvette Blanchard, and J. Sizun
Submissions from 2001
Motor Control of Human Gait: A Dynamic Systems Perspective, Gary P. Austin
Gait Dysfunction in Connective Tissue Disease and Arthritis, Michael J. Emery
A Review of the Legal Issues Surrounding Academic Dismissal, Beverly D. Fein
Application and Interpretation of Simple Odds Ratios in Physical Therapy-Related Research, Pamela Levangie
Commentary: Flexural Wave Propagation Velocity and Bone Mineral Density in Females With and Without Tibial Bone Stress Injuries, Pamela Levangie
Submissions from 2000
Integrating Neurobehavioral Concepts Into Early Intervention Eligibility Evaluation, Yvette Blanchard and Laurie Mouradian
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Michelle M. Lusardi and Caroline C. Nielsen
Submissions from 1999
Neurobehavioral and Neuromotor Long-Term Sequelae of Prenatal Exposure to Cocaine and Other Drugs: An Unresolved Issue, Yvette Blanchard
Association of Low Back Pain With Self-Reported Risk Factors Among Patients Seeking Physical Therapy Services, Pamela Levangie
The Association between Static Pelvic Asymmetry and Low Back Pain, Pamela K. Levangie
Submissions from 1998
Effects of Prenatal Drug Exposure on Neurobehavioral Functioning in Young Infants, Yvette Blanchard, Patricia E. Suess, and Marjorie Beeghly
Submissions from 1997
Development of a Scale to Assess Concern About Falling and Applications to Treatment Programs, Michelle M. Lusardi and Everett V. Smith Jr.
Submissions from 1996
Maximixing Clinical Education Options in Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy, Beverly D. Fein
Submissions from 1991
Early Intervention and Stimulation of the Hospitalized Preterm Infant, Yvette Blanchard
Effects of Tactile Stimulation on Physical Growth and Hypoxemia in Preterm Infants, Yvette Blanchard, Margot Pedneault, and Bernard Doray
Effects of Different Acceleration and Deceleration Rates on Isokinetic Performance of the Knee Extensors, Joyce A. Rathfon, Karen M. Matthews, Arlene N. Yang, Pamela Levangie, and Matthew C. Morrissey
Submissions from 1990
Intervention in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Yvette Blanchard
The Effects of the Standard Rolling Walker and Two Posterior Rolling Walkers on Gait Variables of Normal Children, Pamela Levangie, Janine Brouwer, Susan H. McKeen, Katherine L. Parker, and Katherine A. Shelby
The Effects of Posterior Rolling Walkers vs. the Standard Rolling Walker on Gait Characteristics of Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Pamela Levangie, Michael Chimera, Marlene Johnston, Fred Robinson, and Linda Wobeskya
Effects of Treadmill Training on Gait in a Hemiparetic Patient, Jonina Waagfjord, Pamela Levangie, and Catherine M.E. Certo
Submissions from 1989
Reliability of Force/Displacement Measures in a Clinical Device Designed to Measure Ligamentous Laxity at the Knee, Michael Emery, Mary Moffroid Rodgers, and Joy Boerman
Effect of Altering Handle Position of a Rolling Walker on Gait in Children With Cerebral Palsy, Pamela Levangie, M. F. Guihan, P. Meyer, and K. Stuhr
Submissions from 1985
Perceived Role Responsibilities of Physical Therapists and Adapted Physical Educators in the Public School Setting, Mindy Blumenkopf, Pamela Levangie, and David L. Nelson
Effects of Selected Assistive Devices on Normal Distance Gait Characteristics, Chukwuduziem U. Opara, Pamela Levangie, and David L. Nelson
Submissions from 1980
Public School Physical Therapists: Role Definition and Educational Needs, Pamela Levangie