
Submissions from 2016


Is Research Quality in Orthopedic Manual Therapy Trials Stagnating? Reflections and Pathways for Improving Research Quality and Advance Our Profession, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, Steven F. Sawyer, and Jean-Michel Brismée


Retrospective Analysis of Physical Therapy Utilization, Sean P. Riley, Vincent Tafuto, and Jean-Michel Brismée


Cervical Spine Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults, Frank Tudini, Kevin Chui, Jason K. Grimes, Rachel Laufer, Sean Kim, Sheng-Che Yen, and Victor G. Vaughan


The Development and Study of Rehabilitation Education Materials for Persons with Lower Limb Amputation in Developing Nations: A Pilot Investigation, Diana Veneri, Adam Goodworth, and Daniel J. Lee


Improving Completeness and Transparency of Reporting in Clinical Trials Using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) Checklist Will Benefit the Physiotherapy Profession, Tiê Yamato, Chris Maher, Bruno Saragiotto, Anne Moseley, Tammy Hoffmann, Mark Elkins, Shannon Petersen, Sean P. Riley, and Jean-Michel Brismée


How to Simultaneously Integrate Movement System Impairment and Manual Therapy Approaches in Back Pain with Radiating Leg Pain: A Case Example, Emmanuel Yung, J. De Noyelles, M. LeMoine, and Michael Wong


Immediate and Short-term Response to Posterior Pressures Versus Lateral Glides in Patients with Neck Pain: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, Muhammad I. Ali, E. Barton, K. Peterson, and K. Ching


A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Cardiovascular Response Comparison of Unilateral Posterior-to-Anteriorly Directed Mobilization of the Neck in Pain-Free Adults, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, Muhammad I. Ali, T. Smith, E. Barton, K. Peterson, David A. Cameron, Jason K. Grimes, K. Ching, and Andrew Sullivan


Systolic Blood Pressure Response to Laterally Directed Non‐Thrust Joint Manipulation of the Cervical Spine: A Randomized, Placebo‐Controlled Trial, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, E. Barton, H. Powell, K. Wikfors, S. Schipper, and T. Smith

Cervicothoracic and Shoulder Interventions for Upper Limb Symptoms, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, Stephania Bell, and Jeremiah Y. Samson

Submissions from 2015


Elbow Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults, Michael Beecher, Annie Keener, and Jane Danford


Cervicothoracic-Shoulder Contributions to Upper Limb Symptoms, Stephania Bell, Michael Ross, Jeremiah Y. Samson, Michael Wong, and Emmanuel Yung


Physical Therapy with Newborns and Infants: Applying Concepts of Phenomenology and Synactive Theory to Guide Interventions, Yvette Blanchard and Gunn Kristin Øberg


Shoulder Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults Part 1: Subacromial Impingement Syndrome, Kevin K. Chui, Sheng-Che Yen, Michelle E. Wormley, and Jason K. Grimes


Shoulder Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults-Part 2: Adhesive Capsulitis, Kevin K. Chui, Sheng-Che Yen, Michelle E. Wormley, and Jason K. Grimes


Autonomic Effects After Anterior-To-Posterior Cervical Mobilization (Letter), Francisco Xavier de Araujo, Fabricio Edler Macagnan, Rodrigo Della Méa Plentz, Marcelo Faria Silva, Emmanuel Yung, Haddie Williams, and Kyle Mache


Validity and Usability of a Professional Association’s Web-Based Knowledge Translation Portal: American Physical Therapy Association’s, Judith E. Deutsch, Wendy Romney, Jan Reynolds, and Tara Jo Manal


Ankle and Foot Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults, Rachel Laufer, Sean Kim, Jason K. Grimes, Victor G. Vaughan, Sheng-Che Yen, and Kevin K. Chui


Walking Speed: The Functional Vital Sign, Addie Middletown, Stacy Fritz, and Michelle M. Lusardi


Using OMT and Sports Skills to Maximize Outcome for Cervico-Thoracic and Shoulder Painful Conditions - from the Clinic to the Athletic Field, Marie Potter, Michael Wong, and Emmanuel Yung


Evidence Based Practice Confidence Upon Entry to Physical Therapy School is Related to Previous Research-related Experience, Wendy Romney, Nancy M. Salbach, S. Perry, and Judith E. Deutsch


The Effects of Manual Therapy on Aging and Older Adults With Neurological Disease, Wendy Romney, Michelle E. Wormley, and Frank Tudini


The Effects of Nintendo™ Wii Fit on Gait, Balance, and Quality of Life in Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury, Tracy Wall, Richard Feinn, Kevin Chui, and M. Samuel Cheng


Measurement Characteristics and Clinical Utility of the Capabilities of Upper Extremities Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury, Cara L. Weisbach, Wendy Romney, and Jennifer H. Kahn


Neurophysiological Effects of Manual Therapy in Aging and Older Adults, Michelle E. Wormley, Jason K. Grimes, Wendy Romney, Sheng-Che Yen, and Kevin K. Chui


Lumbar Spine Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults, Sheng-Che Yen, Kevin Chui, Alycia Markowski, Diane F. Fitzpatrick, Ying-Chih Wang, and Marie B. Corkery


Risk Adjustment for Lumbar Dysfunction: Comparison of Linear Mixed Models With and Without Inclusion of Between-Clinic Variation as a Random Effect, Sheng-Che Yen, Marie B. Corkery, Kevin Chui, Justin Manjourides, Ying-Chih Wang, and Linda J. Resnik


Clinical Pattern Recognition for Low Back Pain: How to Simplify Your Pain Science, Manual and Movement Approaches to Maximize Outcome, Emmanuel Yung and Michael Wong


Using Clinical Pattern Recognition to Demystify Cervico-Thoracic and Shoulder Complex Problems, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, and Stephania Bell


Cardiovascular Response to Anteriorly Directed Pressure Applied to the Cervical Spine – A Randomized, Repeated-Measures, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, K. Wikfors, H. Powell, T. Smith, S. Schipper, E. Barton, and J. Stehr


Cardiovascular Response to Laterally Directed Pressure Applied to the Cervical Spine, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, K. Wikfors, H. Powell, T. Smith, S. Schipper, E. Barton, and J. Stehr


January 2015 Letter to the Editor-in-Chief, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, Haddie Williams, and Kyle Mache

Submissions from 2014


Commentary on "Assessing Gross Motor Development of Brazilian Infants"., Yvette Blanchard and Gunn Kristin Oberg


Health, Wellness, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Common Ground for Adults with Cerebral Palsy and Modern Physical Therapists, Lisa Blumberg, Mary E. Gannotti, Diana J. LaRocco, and Yvette Blanchard


Exercise, Kevin Chui, Gary P. Austin, Roseanne M. Prunty, Michael Fortin, and Brian Pecchia


Reliability of Measurement of Glenohumeral Internal Rotation, External Rotation, and Total Arc of Motion in 3 Test Positions, Mark A. Kevern, Michael Beecher, and Smita Rao


Lumbar Hyperlordosis Correction Using a Four-Week Trunk Stabalization Exercise Program in a Group Setting, J. McNellis, J. Finn, R. Axtell, and Emmanuel Yung


Merging your OMPT toolbox and sports skills set in the high-level athlete: An Evidence-Based and Clinical Reasoning Approach, Andrew Morcos, Emmanuel Yung, and Marie Potter


Therapeutic Encounters with Preterm Infants: Interaction, Posture and Movement, Gunn Kristin Øberg, Yvette Blanchard, and Aud Obstfelder


Tremor and Other Involuntary Movement, Wendy Romney, Michelle E. Wormley, and Michelle M. Lusardi


Restoring the Transverse Forefoot Arch in Return to Sports of a Triathlete Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy Following Weil Osteotomy of the 2nd and 3rd digits, Emmanuel Yung, T. Brovko, and M. Lockwood


Placebo and Pre-cebo Effects May Co-Exist, Independent of one another, in Manual Therapy, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, C. Hintze, and D. Collli


Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Response to Posteriorly Directed Pressure Applied to the Cervical Spine in Young, Pain-Free Individuals: A Randomized, Repeated-Measures, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Emmanuel Yung, Michael Wong, Haddie Williams, and Kyle Mache

Submissions from 2013


Treating an Individual with Tennis Elbow Using Scapular Stabilization Exercises, J. B. Bhatt, R. Glaser, A. Chavez, and Emmanuel Yung


Middle and Lower Trapezius Strengthening for the Management of Lateral Epicondylalgia, Jiten B. Bhatt, Randal Glaser, Andre Chavez, and Emmanuel Yung


Middle and Lower Trapezius Strengthening for the Management of Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Case Report, Jiten B. Bhatt, Randal Glaser, Andre Chavez, and Emmanuel Yung


Aging and Activity Tolerance: Implications for Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Kevin K. Chui


An Evidenced-Based Approach to Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Kevin Chui, Rita A. Wong, and Michelle M. Lusardi


Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Neural Plasticity in Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Michelle M. Lusardi and Donna M. Bowers


Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Michelle M. Lusardi, Millee Jorge, and Caroline C. Nielsen