
Submissions from 2025


Use of a Knowledge Translation Approach to Promote Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines in an Experiential Learning Course Within an Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program: A Qualitative Study, Wendy Romney, Marco Rodis, Alicia L. Spiro, Kylie E. Roberts, Mary Claire Hemmer, and Judith E. Deutsch


Current state of entry-level physical therapy qualitative research methods curricula in the United States: A faculty survey, Michelle E. Wormley, Chris Sebelski, Jason Cook, Gail Jensen, and Melissa Tovin

Submissions from 2024


Knowledge Translation Task Force for Core Measures Clinical Practice Guideline: A Short Report on the Process and Utilization, Marghuretta D. Bland, Jennifer Moore, Elizabeth Anderl, Megan Eikenberry, Arlene McCarthy, Geneviève N. Olivier, Tracy Rice, Amelia Siles, Hallie Zeleznik, and Wendy Romney


FITT Odyssey: A Scoping Review of Exercise Programs for Managing Rotator Cuff–Related Shoulder Pain, Marc-Olivier Dube, Simon Lafrance, Maxime Charron, Meriem Mekouar, François Desmeules, Karen McCreesh, Lori A. Michener, Jason K. Grimes, Ellen Shanley, and Jean-Sébastien Roy


Reliability and Validity of the Medial Standing Overhead Arm Reach (SOAR) Test as a Measure of Functional Hip Adduction Motion, Jason K. Grimes, Justin C. Wager, Casey DiZinno, Thomas Fogarty, Eric Hund, Brendan Rooney, Taylor Roy, Paul Bauer, and Jonathan Goldfarb


Feasibility and Safety of Early Post-COVID-19 High-Intensity Gait Training: A Pilot Study, Joakim Halvorsen, Christopher Henderson, Wendy Romney, Magnus Hågå, Tonje Barkenæs Eggen, Jan Egil Nordvik, Ingvild Rosseland, and Jennifer Moore


Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact on Academic Teaching and Clinical Education, Maura Iversen

Submissions from 2023


Long Duration Sonophoresis of Diclofenac to Augment Rehabilitation of Common Musculoskeletal Injuries, Paddy Jarit, Dominic Klyve, and Rod Walters


Key Words & Challenges: Defining Our Role in Caring for Older Adults, Michelle M. Lusardi


Perspective: The Case for Developing a Movement System Framework for Older Adults, Michelle M. Lusardi, Greg Hartley, Susan J. Leach, Laura Z. Gras, Marni Larkin, and Kenneth L. Miller


Ambulatory Medication Safety: Vaccination and Laboratory Screening for Patients on Immunomodulatory Therapies, Anne M. McDonnell, Maura D. Iversen, Roaa M. Khinkar, Michelle Frits, Julie Fiskio, and Sonali Desai


Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in an Adult With Down Syndrome Using a Modified Pain Neuroscience Approach: A Case Report, Maria Osborne and Jason K. Grimes


Essential Content for Teaching Implementation Practice in Healthcare: A Mixed-Methods Study of Teams Offering Capacity-Building Initiatives, Jessica Reszel, Olivia Daub, Jenny Leese, Hanna Augustsson, Danielle Moeske Bellows, Christine E. Cassidy, Beth E. Crowner, Sandra I. Dunn, Lisa B. Goodwin, Alison M. Hoens, Sarah C. Hunter, Elizabeth A. Lynch, Jennifer Moore, Miriam R. Rafferty, Wendy Romney, Dawn Campbell, Dawn Stacey, Implementation Practice CBI Study Team, and Ian D. Graham


Evidence-Based Practice Confidence and Behavior Throughout the Curriculum of Four Physical Therapy Education Programs: A Longitudinal Study, Wendy Romney, Nancy M. Salbach, Susan B. Perry, and Judith E. Deutsch


Physical and Occupational Therapists' Perceptions of Sustainablity of a Knowledge Translation Intervention to Improve the Use of Outcome Measures in Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Study, Wendy Romney, Michelle E. Wormley, Diana Veneri, Andrea Oberlander, Victoria Catizone, and Peter Grevelding


Systematic Development of Standards for Mixed Methods Reporting in Rehabilitation Health Sciences Research, Melissa M. Tovin and Michelle E. Wormley

Submissions from 2022


Including Arts in Rehabilitation Enhances Outcomes in the Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Affective Domains: A Scoping Review, Emma Brown, Mary E. Gannotti, and Diana Veneri


Initial Steps for Integrating Academic Electronic Health Records into Clinical Curricula of Physical and Occupational Therapy in the United States: A Survey-based Observational Study, Stephen C. Burrows, Lola Halperin, Eric C. Nemec, and Wendy Romney


What is the Believability of Evidence That is Read or Heard By Physical Therapists?, Chad E. Cook, Flavio Bonnet, Nicolas Maragano, Alessandra N. Garcia, and Sean P. Riley


Arthritis Patient Education, Self-management, and Health Promotion, Pamela Donlan and Maura Iversen


A Preliminary Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Posterior Standing Overhead Arm Reach (SOAR) Test as a Measure of Functional Hip Extension Motion, Jason K. Grimes, Justin C. Wager, Jonathan Goldfarb, Paul Bauer, Patrick Ferraro, Michelle Loken, Robert Lynch, and Tyler Stegmann


Physical Therapist Residency Competency-Based Education: Development of an Assessment Instrument, Kendra L. Harrington, Masaru Teramoto, Lisa Black, Helen Carey, Greg Hartley, Emmanuel Yung, Jackie Osborne, Penny Goldberg, Rachel Tabak Tran, and Ellen Hillegass


Physical Activity Interventions in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials, Maura D. Iversen, Marie Andre, and Johan von Heideken


Lack of Standardization in Dry Needling Dosage and Adverse Event Documentation Limits Outcome and Safety Reports: A Scoping Review of Randomized Clinical Trials, Gary A. Kearns, Jean-Michel Brismee, Sean P. Riley, Sharon Wang-Price, Thomas Denninger, and Margaret Vugrin


Accentuated Eccentric Loading and Cluster Set Configurations in the Bench Press, Alexandra Lates, Beau K. Greer, John P. Wagle, and Christopher B. Taber


Do Prospective Intent and Established Metrics Correlate with Journal Impact Factor in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy Trials?: A Secondary Analysis of A Methodological Review, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, Stephen M. Shaffer, Steven F. Sawyer, and Joshua Cleland


Knowledge Translation Research to Promote Behavior Changes in Rehabilitation: Use of Theoretical Frameworks and Tailored Interventions: A Scoping Review, Wendy Romney, Danielle M. Bellows, Jake Tavernite, Nancy M. Salbach, and Judith E. Deutsch


A Knowledge Broker Facilitated Intervention To Improve The Use of Standardized Assessment Tools By Physical Therapists: A Cluster Randomized Trial, Wendy Romney, Nancy M. Salbach, James Scott Parrott, I. G. Ward, and Judith E. Deutsch


Knowledge Translation Intervention Increased the Use of Outcome Measures by Physical Therapists in Inpatient Rehabilitation, Wendy Romney, Michelle E. Wormley, Diana Veneri, Andrea Oberlander, Peter Grevelding, Jennifer King Rice, and Jennifer Moore


Doctoral Physical Therapy Students' Increased Confidence Following Exploration of Active Video Gaming Systems in a Problem-based Learning Curriculum in the United States: A Pre-and Post-intervention Study, Michelle E. Wormley, Wendy Romney, Diana Veneri, and Andrea Oberlander

Submissions from 2021


On “Defining Our Diagnostic Labels Will Help Define Our Movement Expertise and Guide Our Next 100 Years”, Jean-Michel Brismée, Ken Learman, Sean P. Riley, and Brian T. Swanson


The Quality of Intervention Reporting in Trials of Therapeutic Exercise For Hip Osteoarthritis: A Secondary Analysis of a Systematic Review, Louise C. Burgess, Thomas C. Wainwright, Khara A. James, Johan von Heideken, and Maura D. Iversen


Treat-to-Target Approach in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Quality Improvement Trial, Sonali Desai, Cianna Leatherwood, Malka Forman, Emma Stevens, Maura Iversen, Chang Xu, and Daniel H. Solomon


Utilizing Scapular Stabilization Exercises in a Patient With Medial Epicondylalgia: A Case Report, Jonathan Goldfarb, Jason K. Grimes, and Paul Bauer


Reporting of Harm in Randomized Controlled Trials of Therapeutic Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review, Johan von Heideken, Sana Chowdhry, Joanna Borg, Khara James, and Maura D. Iversen


Reporting of Adverse Events in Randomized Controlled Trials of Therapeutic Exercise for Hip Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review, Khara A. James, Johan von Heideken, and Maura D. Iversen


Symptom Response To Mobilization and Outcomes in Patients With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Cohort Study, Sean P. Riley, Jonathan Harris, Bryan J. O'Halloran, Christopher R. Showalter, and Ken Learman


The Why, Where, and How Clinical Reasoning Model for the Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, and Joshua Cleland


Should Low-quality Evidence Dominate High-level Evidence? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Systematic Reviews of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy Interventions, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, Steven F. Sawyer, Jean-Michel Brismée, and Geoffrey Staysniak


The Unknown Prevalence of Postrandomization Bias in 15 Physical Therapy Journals: A Methods Review, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, Stephen M. Shaffer, Steven F. Sawyer, and Joshua Cleland


Flop to Flip: Integrating Technology and Team-based Learning to Improve Student Engagement, Diana Veneri and Elizabeth M. Mongillo


Physical Examination Findings in Patients with Protracted Concussion and the Impact of an Integrative Concussion Rehabilitation Protocol, Lauren Ziaks, Chelsea Brown, and Maura D. Iversen

Submissions from 2020


Physical Inactivity: A Behavioral Disorder in the Physical Therapist’s Scope of Practice, Matthieu P. Boisgontier and Maura D. Iversen


Adverse Childhood Experiences, Depressive Symptoms, Functional Dependence, and Physical Activity: A Moderated Mediation Model, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Dan Orsholits, Martina von Arx, Stefan Sieber, Matthew W. Miller, Delphine Courvoisier, Maura Iversen, Stéphane Cullati, and Boris Cheval


Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Kevin K. Chui ed., Millee Jorge ed., Sheng-Che Yen ed., and Michelle M. Lusardi ed.


Comparative Analysis of Hip Muscle Activation During Closed-Chain Rehabilitation Exercises in Runners, Christopher M. Connelly, Matthew F. Moran, and Jason K. Grimes


Improving Quality of Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis Through Mobile Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement: Focus Group Study, Sonali Desai, Emma Stevens, Srinivas Emani, Peter Meyers, Maura D. Iversen, and Daniel H. Solomon


Quality Improvement for Rheumatoid Arthritis Care: Results From a Focus Group, Malka Forman, Cianna Leatherwood, Maura Iversen, Daniel H. Solomon, and Sonali Desai


Measures of Pediatric Function and Physical Activity in Arthritis, Anna E. Greer and Maura D. Iversen


Scapular Movement Impairments in Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome Based on Scapular Assistance Test and Scapula Reposition Test Outcomes, Jason K. Grimes, Emilio Puentedura, M. Samuel Cheng, and Amee L. Seitz