Submissions from 2020
The Effect of Rolling Walker Use on Interpretation of Timed Up and Go Test Scores: A Preliminary Study, Janine Hatch and Diana Veneri
The Effects of Vitamin D and Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Chronic Knee Pain in Older U.S. Adults: Results From a Randomized Trial, Lindsey A. MacFarlane, Nancy R. Cook, Eunjung Kim, I-Min Lee, Maura D. Iversen, David Gordon, Julie E. Buring, Jeffrey N. Katz, JoAnn E. Manson, and Karen H. Costenbader
Sustained Acoustic Medicine Combined with A Diclofenac Ultrasound Coupling Patch for the Rapid Symptomatic Relief of Knee Osteoarthritis: Multi-Site Clinical Efficacy Study, Alex Madzia, Chirag Agrawal, Paddy Jarit, Stephanie Petterson, Kevin Plancher, and Ralph Ortiz
The Effects of the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) System in Early Intervention: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial, Beth McManus, Yvette Blanchard, Natalie J. Murphy, and J. Kevin Nugent
Correlation of Head Impact Exposures to Vestibular Ocular Assessments, Theresa Miyashita and Paul A. Ullucci
A Case-Based, Brief, Intensive Interprofessional Education Experience for School Practitioners, Rhea Paul, Elizabeth Schoen Simmons, Donna M. Bowers, Patricia Carl-Stannard, Jamie F. Marotto, Kristin N. Rainville, Joan Sauvigne-Kirsch, and Ellen Massucci
Are Changes in Fear-Avoidance Beliefs and Self-Efficacy Mediators of Discharge Function and Pain in Patients With Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain?, Sean P. Riley, Joel Bialosky, and Rogelio A. Coronado
Agreement and Reliability of a Symptom Modification Test Cluster for Patients With Subacromial Pain Syndrome, Sean P. Riley, Jason K. Grimes, Adri T. Apeldoorn, and Riekie de Vet
Agreement and Reliability of Median Neurodynamic Test 1 and Resting Scapular Position, Sean P. Riley, Jason K. Grimes, Kylie Calandra, Kelsey Foster, Melissa Peet, and Matthew T. Walsh
Reliability of the Beighton Score and Impact of Generalized Joint Mobility and Resting Scapular Position on Median Neurodynamic Test 1, Sean P. Riley, Jason K. Grimes, Kylie Calandra, Kelsey Foster, Melissa Peet, and Matthew T. Walsh
Do You Really Have the Only, Right, or Best Evidence-Based Approach to Treat Your Patients?, Sean P. Riley, Christopher Petrosino, and Joshua Cleland
A Knowledge Translation Intervention Designed and Implemented by a Knowledge Broker Improved Documented Use of Gait Speed: A Mixed-Methods, Wendy Romney, Nancy M. Salbach, James Scott Parrott, and Judith E. Deutsch
The Acute Care Confidence Survey: Examination of the Psychometric Properties and Predictors of Performance Among Students in a Large Inpatient Hospital System, Anson B. Rosenfeldt, Kristin Greenwood, Karoline Lubbeck, Jennifer Brown, and Maura D. Iversen
Non-Thrust Cervical Manipulations Reduce Short-Term Pain and Decrease Systolic Blood Pressure During Intervention in Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Emmanuel Yung, Cheongeun Oh, Michael Wong, Jason K. Grimes, Erica M. Barton, Muhammad I. Ali, and Allison Breakey
Submissions from 2019
Shared Meanings of Success, Happiness, and Health Among Adults with Cerebral Palsy and Physiotherapists: Implications for Practice and Research, Mary E. Gannotti, Yvette Blanchard, Lisa Blumberg, and Diana J. LaRocco
The Comparative Effects of Upper Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Techniques in Individuals With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Jason K. Grimes, Emilio Puentedura, M. Samuel Cheng, and Amee L. Seitz
Reliability of Elbow Extension, Sensory Response, and Structural Differentiation of Upper Limb Tension Test A in a Healthy, Asymptomatic Population, Sean P. Riley, Jason K. Grimes, Paul A. Ullucci, Elizabeth Boyle, Brian Kuruc, and Tyler Naef
Low Reproducibility of Randomized Clinical Trials Methodology Related to Sampling: A Systematic Methodological Review, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, Jean-Michel Brismée, Steven F. Sawyer, and Elizabeth J. Dyer
Are Movement-Based Classification Systems More Effective than Therapeutic Exercise or Guideline Based Care in Improving Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review, Sean P. Riley, Brian T. Swanson, and Elizabeth J. Dyer
Reliability and Relationship of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire with the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index and Numeric Pain Rating Scale in Patients with Shoulder Pain, Sean P. Riley, Vincent Tafuto, Mark Cote, Jean-Michel Brismée, Alexis Wright, and Chad Cook
A Knowledge Translation Intervention Designed Using Audit and Feedback and the Theoretical Domains Framework for Physical Therapists Working in Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Report, Wendy Romney, Nancy M. Salbach, J. Scott Parrott, and Judith E. Deutsch
Reliability of Smartphone Inclinometry to Measure Upper Cervical Range of Motion., Paul A. Ullucci, Frank Tudini, and Matthew F. Moran
Students' Perspectives of Core Value Development in a Modified Problem-based Learning Program, Michelle E. Wormley, Melissa M. Tovin, Michelle M. Lusardi, and Stanley Wilson
Submissions from 2018
Le Newborn Behavioral Observations System (NBO) = The Newborn Behavioral Observations system (NBO), Yvette Blanchard
Commentary on "Use of a Midliner Positioning System for Prevention of Dolichocephaly in Preterm Infants", Yvette Blanchard and Katherine M. Lammers
Emerging Populations and Health, Kevin Chui, Frank Tudini, and Sheng-Che Yen
Personality Oriented Job Analysis to Identify Non-Cognitive Factors for a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in the United States, Maureen A. Conard and Kristin Schweizer
Immediate Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation on Neurodynamic Mobility, Aaron J. Hartstein, Arthur J. Lievre, Jason K. Grimes, and Sheri A. Hale
Examination and Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders, Janine Hatch
Development and Acceptability Testing of Decision Trees for Self-Management of Prosthetic Socket Fit in Adults with Lower Limb Amputation., Daniel J. Lee and Diana Veneri
Self-Management Problem-Solving Tools for Lower-Limb Prosthesis Wearers: Mobile App Usability and Acceptability Study, Daniel J. Lee, Diana Veneri, and Adam Goodworth
Functional Determination of a Cervical Spine Joint Coordinate System via an Optimization Approach, Matthew F. Moran, Paul A. Ullucci, and Frank Tudini
Preliminary Reliability and Validity of the Shoulder Functional Reach Score, Sean P. Riley, Vincent Tafuto, Mark Cote, Jean-Michel Brismée, Alexis Wright, and Chad Cook
Musculoskeletal Disorders, Frank Tudini
A Novel Approach to Reducing Workers Compensation Costs in a Multicenter Hospital System., Paul A. Ullucci, Joseph Scott, and Bradley Silverman
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Gain Perspective of the Benefits of Yoga in Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Children to Inform Practice for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-Analysis, Diana Veneri, Mary E. Gannotti, Bertucco Matteo, and Sarah E. Fournier Hillman
Are Technology-Informed Methods Better Than Traditional Approaches in Educating Patients? A Meta-Analysis, Diana Veneri and Kayla Zdanis
Using a Valid and Reliable Measure to Assess Clinical Instructor Self-perception of Teaching Behaviors, Michelle E. Wormley, Wendy Romney, Kristin Schweizer, Beverly D. Fein, Vicki LaFay, Rebecca Martin, and Anna E. Greer
Submissions from 2017
Development and Pilot Testing of an International Knowledge Assessment of Prosthetic Management for Patients Using Lower-Limb Prostheses, Adam Goodworth, Diana Veneri, John Burger, and Daniel J. Lee
Determining Risk of Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Using Posttest Probability, Michelle M. Lusardi, Stacy Fritz, Addie Middletown, Leslie Allison, Mariana Wingood, Emma Phillips, Michelle Criss, Sangita Verma, Jackie Osborne, and Kevin Chui
Dehydration Reduces Posterior Leg and Trunk Flexibility and Increases Stiffness in Male Collegiate Age Runners, Paul A. Ullucci, Douglas J. Casa, Tracey Dexter Matthews, and John M. Rosene
Development of the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire in the United States, Michelle E. Wormley, Wendy Romney, and Anna E. Greer
The Immediate Cardiovascular Response to Joint Mobilization of the Neck - A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Pain-Free Adults, Emmanuel Yung, Cheongeun Oh, Michael Wong, Jason K. Grimes, Erica M. Barton, Muhammad I. Ali, and David A. Cameron
Commentary on “Six-Month Follow-up of Supervised Spinal Stabilization Exercises for Low Back Pain in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis”, Emmanuel Yung and Michael Wong
Submissions from 2016
Disruptive Change in the Classroom, the Clinic, and Our Profession, Janet Bezner, Michael Wong, and Emmanuel Yung
Health-Related Fitness for Children and Adults with Cerebral Palsy, Yvette Blanchard, Mary E. Gannotti, and Wendy Romney
Management of Lateral Epicondylalgia Targeting Scapular Muscle Power Deficits: A Case series, Randal Glaser, Jiten Bhatt, Andre Chavez, and Emmanuel Yung
Outcome Measure Recommendations from the Spinal Cord Injury EDGE Task Force, Jennifer H. Kahn, Rachel Tappan, Christopher P. Newman, Phyllis Palma, Wendy Romney, Eileen Tseng Stultz, Candy Tefertiller, and Cara L. Weisbach
Standing from the Floor in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Dennis Klima, Catherine Anderson, Dina Samrah, Dipal Patel, Kevin Chui, and Roberta Newton