The Faculty Publications collection contains books, book chapters, and articles authored by Sacred Heart University faculty and staff. The papers were published in open access journals or in journals whose publishers permit publication in repositories such as the Digital Commons at Sacred Heart University, or link to publications which do not allow open access. These works may also be found under other series within this depository, such as Faculty publications within various academic departments.
Submissions from 1994
Public Schools Should Learn to Ski: A Systems Approach to Education, Stephen E. Rubin
Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, Mariann Russell
Force Field and Potential Due to the Fermi-Coulomb Hole Charge for Nonspherical-Density Atoms, Marlina Slamet, Viraht Sahni, and Manoj K. Harbola
The Company of Camelot: Arthurian Characters in Romance and Fantasy, Charlotte Spivack and Roberta Lynne Staples
The Evangelical Turn of John Paul II and Veritatis Splendor, Christopher J. Walsh
The Practice of Social Research (Book Review), Kristen Wenzel
The Metaphysics of Wolves, Jonas Zdanys
The White Bend of the River, Jonas Zdanys
Submissions from 1993
Civil Liberties Constraints on Tribal Sovereignty after the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968, Robert Berry
Sidney's Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 108, Jeffrey P. Cain
Breaking Into Print With Feature Articles, Ralph L. Corrigan
Educational Reform and the Paradigm of State-Society Conflict in Republican China, Thomas D. Curran
Readings in Civilizations, Thomas D. Curran, Charlotte M. Gradie, John B. Roney, and Paul Siff
Johann Gerhard Oncken's Long Road To Toleration, Wayne A. Detzler
The Anatomy of Programming Languages, Alice E. Fischer and Frances Grodzinsky
What is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition?, Richard Grigg
Updike's Rabbit Novels: An American Epic, Thomas H. Hicks
Effective Communication in the Intranational Workplace: Models for Public Sector Managers and Theorists, John F. Kikoski
O Currículo de 1870 de Paulino de Souza [The 1870 Curriculum of Paulino de Souza], VIII Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Histórica , Florianópolis, Brasil (1993), Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Approaches to Teaching the Metaphysical Poets ed. Sidney Gottlieb (Book Review), Robin McAllister
NMDA and Non-NMDA Antagonists Infused into the Nucleus Reticularis Pontis Caudalis Depress the Acoustic Startle Reflex, Mindy Miserendino and Michael Davis
Indirect Transfers in Trade Among Former Soviet Union Republics: Sources, Patterns, and Policy Responses in the Post-Soviet Period, Lucjan T. Orlowski
Language Outcomes in Late-Talkers: Kindergarten, Rhea Paul
Patterns of Development in Late Talkers: Preschool Years, Rhea Paul
Grammatical Morpheme Acquisition in 4-Year-Olds With Normal, Impaired, and Late-Developing Language, Rhea Paul and Sally Alforde
History of Middle Ear Involvement and Speech/Language Development in Late Talkers, Rhea Paul, Timothy F. Lynn, and Marla Lohr-Flanders
Narrative Skills in 4-Year-Olds With Normal, Impaired, and Late-Developing Language, Rhea Paul and Rita L. Smith
The Interleukin-2 Receptor γ Chain Maps to Xq13.1 and is Mutated in X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, SCIDX1, Jennifer M. Puck, Suzanne M. Deschênes, Joanne C. Porter, Amalia S. Dutra, Carolyn J. Brown, Huntington F. Willard, and Paula S. Henthorn
The Seeds of Prosperity and Discord: The Political Economy of Community Polarization in Greenfield, Massachusetts, 1770-1820, Gerald F. Reid
Interpretation of Electron Correlation in Local-Density Approximation for Exchange, Viraht Sahni and Marlina Slamet
Stupid Ways, Smart Ways to Think About God, Michael Shevack and Jack Bemporad
Auros Daina : Lyrika, Jonas Zdanys
Submissions from 1992
Update From Pahrump: Poems, David F. Curtis
Extinction of Fear-potentiated Startle: Blockade by Infusion of an NMDA Antagonist into the Amygdala, Michael Davis, William A. Falls, and Mindy Miserendino
U.S. Catholic-Jewish Pilgrimage to Poland, Eugene Fisher
O Currículo de 1899 de Epitácio Pessoa [The 1899 Curriculum of Epitácio Pessoa], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Splitting of the Identity Component in Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Peter Loth
Phonological Behavior in Toddlers With Slow Expressive Language Development, Rhea Paul and Patricia Jennings
Connecticut Politics at the Crossroads, Gary L. Rose
Lesions of the Perirhinal Cortex but Not of the Frontal, Medial Prefrontal, Visual, or Insular Cortex Block Fear-Potentiated Startle Using a Visual Conditioned Stimulus, Jeffrey B. Rosen, Janice M. Hitchcock, Mindy Miserendino, William A. Falls, Serge Campeau, and Michael Davis
Submissions from 1991
Selling Out Max Headroom, Rebecca L. Abbott
An Emerging Leadership Paradigm: Transformational Leadership, Anne M. Barker
Early Intervention and Stimulation of the Hospitalized Preterm Infant, Yvette Blanchard
Effects of Tactile Stimulation on Physical Growth and Hypoxemia in Preterm Infants, Yvette Blanchard, Margot Pedneault, and Bernard Doray
One-Sided Error Probabalistic Inductive Interface and Reliable Frequency Identification, Efim Kinber and Thomas Zeugmann
Currículos de 1892 e de 1894: Tentativas de Acomodação do Currículo de 1890 de Benjamin Constant [The Curricula of 1892 and 1894: Attempts at Accommodating to the Curriculum of 1890 of Benjamin Constant], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Historia do Currículo da Escola Secundária Brasileira, 1838-1971: Uma Pesquisa em Curso [History of the Curriculum of the Brazilian Secondary School, 1838-1971: Research in Progress], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Kant’s Dubious Disciples: Hare and Rawls, Edward Papa
Profiles of Toddlers with Slow Expressive Language Development, Rhea Paul
Maternal Linguistic Input to Toddlers with Slow Expressive Language Development, Rhea Paul and Terril J. Elwood