The Faculty Publications collection contains books, book chapters, and articles authored by Sacred Heart University faculty and staff. The papers were published in open access journals or in journals whose publishers permit publication in repositories such as the Digital Commons at Sacred Heart University, or link to publications which do not allow open access. These works may also be found under other series within this depository, such as Faculty publications within various academic departments.
Submissions from 1984
O Ensino de Ciências do 1º Grau nas Escolas Brasileiras e Norte-Americana: uma Comparação de seus Currículos [The Teaching of Science in the Brazilian and the American Elementary School: a Comparison of Curricula], Karl M. Lorenz, Araci A. Luz, Sônia M. Carneiro, Célia F. Brandt, and Tânia B. Santos
Comparação Diacrônica dos Estudos de Ciências e Humanidades no Currículo Secundário Brasileiro [A Diachronic Comparison of Science and Humanities Studies in the Brazilian Secondary School Curriculum], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Estabilidade Temporal do Currículo da Escola Secundária Brasileira: 1838-1971 [Temporal Stability of the Curriculum of the Brazilian Secondary School: 1838-1971], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Art, Religion and Musement, Michael L. Raposa
Habits and Essences, Michael L. Raposa
Religious Metaphor, Michael L. Raposa
Submissions from 1983
Flights into Realities: The Writing of Windcrossing, Don Coonley
Windcrossing: an Intermedia Play Inspired by the Life of Gustave Whitehead, Donald Coonley
Biochemical and Morphometric Studies of Heart, Liver and Skeletal muscle from the Hibernating, Arousing and Aroused Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus, Margaret L. Fonda, George H. Herbener, and Robert W. Cuddihee
High School Faculty Institute for Chemistry Teachers, Babu George
Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Ethoxycarbonyl Isothiocyanate and Related Compounds, Babu George and E. P. Papadopoulos
Thomas Merton: Pilgrim in Progess, Donald Grayston, ed. and Michael W. Higgins, ed.
Teacher Self-Improvement: A Promising Approach to Professional Development and School Improvement, Edward F. Iwanicki and Lucille McEachern
Estudo dos Currículos do Curso de Engenharia Civil da Escola Politécnica do Rio de Janeiro: Introdução a um Método de Analise Quantitativa [A Study of the Curricula of the Civil Engineering Program of the Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro: Introduction to a Quantitative Method of Analysis], Karl M. Lorenz, Elisabeth Genehr, and Elisabeth Drechsel
A Collaborative Learning Model: The Rhetorical Situation as a Basis for Teaching Business Communication, Michelle Loris
Associations Between Phonology and Syntax in Speech-Delayed Children, Rhea Paul and Lawrence D. Shriberg
Risk Taker, Caretaker, or Undertaker: Which are You?, Albert F. Varner
Irritability in Autistic Children Treated with Fenfluramine, Fred Volkmar, Rhea Paul, Donald J. Cohen, and B. Shaywitz
Submissions from 1982
Drugs, Physiochemical Bonding, and Human Experience, Donald W. Brodeur
Mariann Russell: Melvin B. Tolson's Harlem gallery: a literary analysis, Grace Farrell
Inductive Inference and Computable One‐One Numberings, Rūsiņš Freivalds, Efim Kinber, and Rolf Wiehagen
The New Expanded Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction Versus a State License Revocation: A Modern Clash in Federalism, Kenneth A. Graham
Sidney M. Jourard and Ted Landsman, Healthy Personality: an Approach from the Viewpoint of Humanistic Psychology, Thomas Hicks
Hermeneutics or Phenomenology: Reflections on Husserl's Historical Meditations as a "way" into Transcendental Phenomenology, John E. Jalbert
Communication Development and Its Disorders: A Psycholinguistic Perspective, Rhea Paul and Donald J. Cohen
Native Realm: A Search for Self-Definition, by Czeslaw Milosz, Jacqueline Rinaldi
Submissions from 1981
Walter Kaufmann, Discovering the Mind: Goethe, Kant, and Hegel, Edward J. Bordeau
Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives, ed. by Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo., David F. Curtis
Conversations with the Singers, Grace Farrell
A Hand Full of Pieces, William J. Fletcher
The Restoration of Holy Cross Abbey, Ireland, William J. Fletcher
A Study of the Background, Level of Job Satisfaction, Maturity, and Morale of "Delayed Vocation" Catholic Priests, Thomas H. Hicks
Índices de Avaliação para Programas de Treinamento de Recursos Humanos [Evaluation Indices for Human Resource Training Courses], Karl M. Lorenz
The Philosophy of Composition, by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Michelle C. Loris
Roger Shattuck, The Forbidden Experiment (Book Review), Edward Malin
A Comparison of Six Structural Analysis Procedures: A Case Study, Rhea Paul
Analyzing Complex Sentence Development, Rhea Paul
The Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce: A Critical Introduction, by Robert Almeder, Michael L. Raposa
Edmund Wilson, Henry James, and the Function of Criticism, Michael Sweeney
Teaching More Than Facts of Menstruation: Exercises to Stimulate Dialogue About a Taboo Topic, Christina J. Taylor
Voice on an Anthill, Jonas Zdanys
Submissions from 1980
Continental Drift, Tectonics, and Joshua, Joel W. Block
Public School Physical Therapists: Role Definition and Educational Needs, Pamela Levangie
Reading Stories Out of Rock, Robin McAllister
Values and Education, Thomas Melady and Ralph L. Corrigan
Let's Not Forget the Students, Thomas Patrick Melady
Case Study #4: Kirk, Rhea Paul
Searching for Wordin Avenue, Steven John Ross, Donald Coonley, Ralph L. Corrigan, and Larry McConkey