The Faculty Publications collection contains books, book chapters, and articles authored by Sacred Heart University faculty and staff. The papers were published in open access journals or in journals whose publishers permit publication in repositories such as the Digital Commons at Sacred Heart University, or link to publications which do not allow open access. These works may also be found under other series within this depository, such as Faculty publications within various academic departments.
Submissions from 1991
Communication and Socialization Skills at Ages 2 and 3 in "Late-Talking" Young Children, Rhea Paul, Shawn S. Looney, and Pamela S. Dahm
Communicative Initiations in Normal and Late-Talking Toddlers, Rhea Paul and Mary E. Shiffer
Effects of Different Acceleration and Deceleration Rates on Isokinetic Performance of the Knee Extensors, Joyce A. Rathfon, Karen M. Matthews, Arlene N. Yang, Pamela Levangie, and Matthew C. Morrissey
The Writing of History, by Michel de Certeau (Book Review), John B. Roney
Controversial Issues in Presidential Selection, Gary L. Rose
Winter Geese [Poem], Jonas Zdanys
Submissions from 1990
Transformational Nursing Leadership: A Vision for the Future, Anne M. Barker
Divorce Stress and Adjustment Model: Locus of Control and Demographic Predictors, Helen Smith Barnet
Intervention in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Yvette Blanchard
The Crucial Disanalogies Between Properly Basic Belief and Belief in God, Richard Grigg
Theology as a Way of Thinking, Richard Grigg
My Father's Business: A Biography of His Eminence G. Emmett Cardinal Carter, Michael W. Higgins and Douglas R. Letson
The Effects of the Standard Rolling Walker and Two Posterior Rolling Walkers on Gait Variables of Normal Children, Pamela Levangie, Janine Brouwer, Susan H. McKeen, Katherine L. Parker, and Katherine A. Shelby
The Effects of Posterior Rolling Walkers vs. the Standard Rolling Walker on Gait Characteristics of Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Pamela Levangie, Michael Chimera, Marlene Johnston, Fred Robinson, and Linda Wobeskya
Analise Quantitativa do Currículo Escolar [Quantitative Analysis of the School Curriclum], Karl M. Lorenz
Blocking of Acquisition But Not Expression of Conditioned Fear-Potentiated Startle by NMDA Antagonists in the Amygdala, Mindy Miserendino, Catherine B. Sananes, Kathleen R. Melia, and Michael Davis
An Obsessive-Compulsive View of Obesity and Its Treatment, Raymond Mount, Fugen Neziroglu, and Christina J. Taylor
The Greatest Faith Ever Known: The Story of the Men Who First Spread the Religion of Jesus and of the Momentous Times in Which They Lived, Fulton Oursler and April Oursler Armstrong
Pression manuelle: etude de fidelite, Margot Pedneault, Yvette Blanchard, and S. Lapalme
Communications Challenges In A Smaller World, John G. Richardson, Stephen J. Lilley, and Robert B. Gregory
Angela DiPace Fritz, Thought and Vision: A Critical Reading of H.D.'s Poetry, Jacqueline B. Rinaldi
Effects of Treadmill Training on Gait in a Hemiparetic Patient, Jonina Waagfjord, Pamela Levangie, and Catherine M.E. Certo
Maine Aubade, Jonas Zdanys
Submissions from 1989
Role-Playing for Different Viewpoints (Review), Nicole Cauvin
Politics in Classical Greece: The Nature of the Polis and the Origins of the Rule of Law, Thomas D. Curran Ph.D.
At Aunt Meg's Funeral [and] Poetic License, David F. Curtis
Reliability of Force/Displacement Measures in a Clinical Device Designed to Measure Ligamentous Laxity at the Knee, Michael Emery, Mary Moffroid Rodgers, and Joy Boerman
Teaching--and Learning from--Oedipus, Sidney Gottlieb
Olympus, Athens, and Jerusalem, Richard Grigg
The Golden Scapegoat: Portrait of the Jew in the Novels of Balzac, Frances Grodzinsky
A Return to Updike's "Post-Pill Paradise", Thomas H. Hicks
Effect of Altering Handle Position of a Rolling Walker on Gait in Children With Cerebral Palsy, Pamela Levangie, M. F. Guihan, P. Meyer, and K. Stuhr
Perfil Quali-Quantitativo dos Currículos do Ensino Secundário Brasileiro no Século XIX [A Quali-Quantitative Profile of the Curricula of the Brazilian Secondary School of the XIX Century], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Innocence, Loss, and Recovery in the Art of Joan Didion, Michelle Loris
Reflections on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Robin McAllister
Electrical Stimulation of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Supports Both 'Pure Reward' and 'Reward-Escape' Behavior in Rats, Mindy Miserendino and Edgar E. Coons
Hedonic Interactions of Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Nucleus Reticularis Gigantocellularis, Mindy Miserendino and Edgar E. Coons
Local Merchants and the Regional Economy of the Connecticut River Valley, Gerald F. Reid
Submissions from 1988
The Avant-Garde in American Film: An Interview with Stan Brakhage, Rebecca L. Abbott
God: A Matter of Truth, a Matter of Interest, Walter Brooks
American Romanticism: Beyond the Walls a Star, David F. Curtis
Thought and Vision: A Critical Reading of H.D.'s Poetry, Angela DiPace
Cognitive, Behavioral, and Adaptive Functioning in Fragile X and Non-Fragile X Retarded Men, E. Dykens, J. Leckman, Rhea Paul, and M. Watson
Tennessee John Stoltzfus: Amish Church-Related Documents and Family Letters (Book Review), Charles T. Eby
Husserl's Position Between Dilthey and the Windelband-Rickert School of Neo-Kantianism, John E. Jalbert
Competências Básicas no Estudo da Pesquisa Educacional [Minimum Competencies in a Course on Research in Education], Karl M. Lorenz
Inovação Curricular e a Reforma de 1855 de Luiz Pedreira do Couto Ferraz [Curricular Innovation and the 1855 Reform of Luiz Pedreira do Couto Ferraz], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia
Review of The Road to Vichy: 1918-1938, by Yves Simon, Edward Papa
The Conservative Movement, by Paul Gottfried and T. Flemming (Review), Edward Papa
Submissions from 1987
Molten LiNO2-NaNO2, LiNO2-KNO2, LiNO2-CsNO2, and NaNO2-KNO2 Eutectics: the reaction of PdCl2, K2PdCl4, K2Pd(NO2)4, PtCl2, K2PtCl4, K2Pt(NO2)4, PtCl4, and K2PtCl6, Sabah S. Al Omer, Najih I. Al Salim, and Dhia A. Habboush