Submissions from 2001
Insights: Social Psychology: A Customized Social Psychology Reader, Christina J. Taylor comp. and Mindy Miserendino ed.
Submissions from 2000
An Analysis of Academic Reputation as Perceived by Consumers of Higher Education, Michael J. Conard and Maureen A. Conard
Enhanced Acquisition of Cocaine Self-Administration in Adult Rats With Neonatal Isolation Stress Experience, Therese A. Kosten, Mindy Miserendino, and Priscilla Kehoe
Using Statistics in Psychological Research, Kathryn M. LaFontana
Submissions from 1999
Children's Interpersonal Perceptions as a Function of Sociometric and Peer-Perceived Popularity, Kathryn LaFontana and Antonius H. N. Cillessen
Submissions from 1998
Dissociation of Novelty- and Cocaine-Conditioned Locomotor Activity from Cocaine Place Conditioning, Therese A. Kosten and Mindy Miserendino
The Nature of Children's Stereotypes of Popularity, Kathryn LaFontana and Antonius H. N. Cillessen
A Case of "Loving Hate", Michelle C. Loris
Efficacy of Psychoeducational Group Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Multiply Traumatized Women, Hadar Lubin, Michelle Loris, John Burt, and David Read Johnson
Factors Affecting Behavior Toward People With Disabilities, Christina J. Taylor
Submissions from 1997
Acquisition and Maintenace of Intravenous Cocaine Self-Administration in Lewis and Fischer Inbred Rat Strains, Therese A. Kosten, Mindy Miserendino, Colin N. Haile, Jenine L. DeCaprio, Peter I. Jatlow, and Eric J. Nestler
Affirmative Action: A Review of Psychological and Behavioral Research, David A. Kravitz, David A. Harrison, Marlene E. Turner, Edward L. Levine, Wanda Chaves, Michael T. Brannick, Donna L. Denning, Craig J. Russell, and Maureen A. Conard
Submissions from 1996
Microinfusion of Aminopeptidase M into the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats, Carol M. Batt, Laurie L. Jensen, Joseph W. Harding, and John W. Wright
Submissions from 1995
Behavioral Sensitization to Cocaine: Modulation by the Cyclic AMP System in the Nucleus Accumbens, Mindy Miserendino and Eric J. Nestler
Submissions from 1994
Fischer and Lewis Rat Strains Show Differential Cocaine Effects in Conditioned Place Preference and Behavioral Sensitization But Not in Locomotor Activity or Conditioned Taste Aversion, Therese A. Kosten, Mindy Miserendino, Sandra Chi, and Eric J. Nestler
Submissions from 1993
Updike's Rabbit Novels: An American Epic, Thomas H. Hicks
NMDA and Non-NMDA Antagonists Infused into the Nucleus Reticularis Pontis Caudalis Depress the Acoustic Startle Reflex, Mindy Miserendino and Michael Davis
Submissions from 1992
Extinction of Fear-potentiated Startle: Blockade by Infusion of an NMDA Antagonist into the Amygdala, Michael Davis, William A. Falls, and Mindy Miserendino
The Sabbath Rediscovered, Thomas H. Hicks
Lesions of the Perirhinal Cortex but Not of the Frontal, Medial Prefrontal, Visual, or Insular Cortex Block Fear-Potentiated Startle Using a Visual Conditioned Stimulus, Jeffrey B. Rosen, Janice M. Hitchcock, Mindy Miserendino, William A. Falls, Serge Campeau, and Michael Davis
Submissions from 1990
Divorce Stress and Adjustment Model: Locus of Control and Demographic Predictors, Helen Smith Barnet
Blocking of Acquisition But Not Expression of Conditioned Fear-Potentiated Startle by NMDA Antagonists in the Amygdala, Mindy Miserendino, Catherine B. Sananes, Kathleen R. Melia, and Michael Davis
An Obsessive-Compulsive View of Obesity and Its Treatment, Raymond Mount, Fugen Neziroglu, and Christina J. Taylor
Submissions from 1989
A Return to Updike's "Post-Pill Paradise", Thomas H. Hicks
Electrical Stimulation of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Supports Both 'Pure Reward' and 'Reward-Escape' Behavior in Rats, Mindy Miserendino and Edgar E. Coons
Hedonic Interactions of Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Nucleus Reticularis Gigantocellularis, Mindy Miserendino and Edgar E. Coons
Submissions from 1986
Extramarital Sex: Good for the Goose? Good for the Gander?, Christina J. Taylor
Bargaining for a New Car: The Knowledgeable versus the Naive Consumer, Christina J. Taylor and Sharon M. Dawid
Submissions from 1985
Memory Observed: Remembering in Natural Contexts: by U. Neisser (Book Review), Steven S. Braddon
Submissions from 1982
Drugs, Physiochemical Bonding, and Human Experience, Donald W. Brodeur
Sidney M. Jourard and Ted Landsman, Healthy Personality: an Approach from the Viewpoint of Humanistic Psychology, Thomas Hicks
Submissions from 1981
A Study of the Background, Level of Job Satisfaction, Maturity, and Morale of "Delayed Vocation" Catholic Priests, Thomas H. Hicks
Teaching More Than Facts of Menstruation: Exercises to Stimulate Dialogue About a Taboo Topic, Christina J. Taylor