Theses/Dissertations from 2023
New Inhibitors of Insulin-Degrading Enzyme, Jake Sarno
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Spectrophotometric Study of the Reaction of Nitrite with Indole, 2-Methylindole, 3-Methylindole and Pyrrole, Shaikhah Nawaf T. Aldawish
Using Factorial Design and Analysis to Determine the Factors that Affect the Yield of the Oxidation of 1-Indanol to 1-Indanone, Amal Ali Alshehri
An Analysis of Police Pursuits in CT during 2019, Erica Boccuzzi
Oxidation of Benzhydrol to Benzophenone through the Optimization of Various Parameters in Microwave Irradiation, Bethany Anne Kalach
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A Spectrophotometric Study of the Reaction of Nitrite with Indole in Three Dimensions, Fawziah Abdullah J. Alrasheedi
Using Factorial Design to Determine Which Factors Affect the Yield of the Microwave-Assisted Oxidation of 1-Indanol, Saber Alyoubi
Characterization of Ghrelin as a Novel Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Substrate, David Daniel Bocach
Identification of Malonic Acid as an Inhibitor of Mammalian Arginase I, Maryam Ahmad Khalhamdi
Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron(II) and Iron(III) with o-Phenanthroline 3 Dimensional, Mohammed Otayfah
Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil via Microwave Irradiation and Determination of the Factors that Effect the Yield by Using Factorial Design, Yahya Yousef O. Tohary
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Spectrophotometric Investigation of the Suitability of Indole for the Determination of Nitrite, Marwah Hammid Aboueissa
Integrated Screening for Arginase Inhibitors, Hatoon Albilady
A Study of the Factors that Affect the Preparation of Activated Carbons from Olive Pits, Abdulaziz Alghamdi
A Study of Factors that Affect the Preparation of Activated Carbons from Date Pits, Zenat Alkhayat
A Study of Reactions of Transition Metal Oxides with Fused NaOH-KOH Eutectic Mixture, Osama M. Alkhudhari
A Study of the Factors that Affect the Preparation of Activated Carbons from Acorn Shell, Abdullah J. Almalki
A Study of the Factors that Affect the Preparation of Activated Carbons from Corn Husks, Ahmed Alrashdi
A Study of the Factors that Affect the Preparation of Activated Carbon from Coconut Shells, Tahani Abdoh M. Assiri
A Study of the Uncommon Oxidation States of Transition Metal in Reaction with a NaOH/KOH Eutectic mixture, Kevin M. Campos
Study of Reactions of Transition Metal Oxides within a Molten NaOH-KOH Eutectic Mixture using Raman Spectroscopy, Francis Edward DiVisconti
Application of Factorial Design in Enhanced Bio-Butanol Production from Corn Stover Fermentation, Dylan LaFerriere
Job Analysis Report for Actors Including Selection Procedures and Training Recommendations, Catherine M. Pagliaro
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Spectrophotometric Detrmination of Nitrite with Acidified Solution of Indole, Reham Abdullah H. Alahmadi
Factors that Affect the Absorption of Blue 406 Pro Dye and Red 308 Pro Dye on Activated Carbon, Ahmed Alanazi
Predicting OppA Protein-Peptide Binding Affinities from X-ray and Docked Structures, Fatimah Alhazmi
Predicting and Comparing Binding Affinities from OppA X-ray Crystal and Docked Structures, Marwah Alhujayri
Protein-Peptide Docking: Construction of a Protein-Peptide Database and Docking the Peptides into Target Proteins, Abrar Yahya Almasrahi
Determination of Nitrite with a Single Reagent, Indole by UV-Vis Spectra, Sultanah Nafea M. Alsenani
Quantitative Detection of Free Proline as a Marker for Haze Stability in Beer, Philip Marco Gelineau
Studying the Use of VINA and PLANTS in Protein-Peptide Docking, Nesma T. Matook
Oxidation of First-Row Transition Metal Oxides in the Presence of Alkali Metals Hydroxide at High Temperature, Ibtisam M. Mousa
Kinetic Studies of Glutathione S-Transferase, Lazaros Stefanidis
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Study of the Factors That Affect the Absorption of ProCarmine32 Red Dye onto Activated Carbon for Application in the Treatment of Water Contaminated With Dyes, Alayyafi A. Abdulaziz
Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis of Hydrates First-Row Transition Metal Salts Revisited, Nouf M. Alanazi
Factors Influencing Textile Dye Absorption of Dylon Blue Dye on Activated Carbon, Rawan A. Alharbi
Factors Influencing the Absorption of Textile Dye PRO004 Lemon Yellow Dye on Activated Carbon, Yasser Mahdi M. Almadani
An Analysis of Effective Factors Impacting Absorption of Procion 072 Medium Blue Dye on Activated Carbon, Ammar A. Alobaidi
Discovery of a Novel Arginase I Inhibitors by a Validated Virtual Screening and Docking Work-Flow, Brianna Baribault
Factors Influencing the Absorption of Textile Dye Dylon Burlesque Red on Activated Carbon, Mohammed S. Basaeed
Kenotic Effluent Panapotheism, Christopher E. Etter
Multi Factors Influencing the Absorption of Textile Dye Dylon Yellow on Activated Carbon, Sahar Y. Rajeh
Using Chemical Library Screening and a Validated Docking Procedure to Identify Novel Aminoimidazole-based Human Arginase I Inhibitors, Angelica Tescione
Effects of Matrices and Physical Conditions on Benzidine, Avisa Zeqiraj
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Prediction of Metal Remobilization from Sediments Under Various Physical/Chemical Conditions. "Design of Experiment Cr & Cu", Hatim Ali Addus
Investigation of the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Shellac and the Changes with Aging, Waleed Alamier
Prediction of Metal Remobilization from Sediments Under Various Physical/Chemical Conditions "Design of Experiment for As &Ni", Raed Alghamdi
Spectrochemical Series Revisited of Square Planar Molecular Geometry., Ayman I. Alsamiri
Prediction of Metal Remobilization from Sediments under Various Physical/Chemical Conditions "Design of Experiment for Cd & Co", Fawziah Altirad
Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis of Hydrates First-Row Transition Metal Salts Revisited, Manar A. Arab
Raman Spectra of Traction Metal Compounds, Abdullah F. Mirza
A New Synthesis of Bis (4-tert-butylphenyl) Iodonium Hexafluoroantimonate; a Known Catalyst for Photopolymerization, Matthew C. Salvi
Shepherding Electric Sheep: A Roman Catholic Response to the Emerging Challenge of Transhumanism, Joshua St.Onge
Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols, Kara Tsimprea Swallow
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Electrochemical Studies of Sm (III) and Eu (III) in Molten Mixtures of Aluminum Chloride and n-Butylpyridinum Chloride, Mohnnad H. Alabsi
Targeted Control of Gene Expression by the Sir2 Histone Deacetylase, Najwa Aljehani
Sir2 Function in Genome Integrity, Modi Fiyah Almutairi
Spectrochemical Series Revisited of Tetrahedral Complexes, Seham S. Almutairi
Spectrochemical Series Revisited, Hanan M. Alshehri
Simulation of Metal Partitioning As, Cr, Cu, and Pb During Bottom Sediment Resuspension, Eman Althagafi
A Study of Strength of Oxoacid, Faisal M. Alzahrani
John Henry Newman and The Development of Doctrine: A Christian Theology of Continuity, Francois X. Eale-Botamba
Simulation of Metal Partitioning Cd, Ni, and Zn during Bottom Sediment Re-Suspension, Raghdah Maseeri
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
An Investigation of The Spectrochemical Series of Transition Metal Complexes in Molten Chlorides, Mona A. Alhasani
Catholic Perspectives on Judaism, Maureen E. Flood
Mental Illness Prevention: Exploring Effective Coping Strategies for School-Aged Children, Julie-Anne McCarthy
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Einstein's Theory of Relativity Through the Lens of the Confirmation Approach to Science and Religion, Mark A. Arnold
Reevaluating Christian Anti-Trafficking Activism in Relationship to Emerging Best Practices and Human Rights Philosophy, Kirsten Lynn Nestro
Religion and Public Dialogue: Resources for Harmonzing the Religious and the Secular, Elena Marie Adlon Place
The Role of Faith and Spirituality in the Work of End-of-Life Caregivers, Edward P. Stannard
The Integration of Literature and Ethical Thought: A Curricular Approach for Parochial Middle School Students, Kathleen M. Welch
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Process and Catholic Beliefs, Gina Maria Donnarummo
Consumption of Meat: Demoralizing for Humans, Animals and the Earth, Dawn M. Doucette-Kaplan
Finding Meaning in a Modern World: Religious Affirmation or Existential Acceptance?, Tammi June Pazsak
Self-Esteem and Its Relationship to Sensation Seeking Behaviors, Laura Turiano
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Parish Ministry; Men on the Journey of Discipleship, Timothy J. Bolton Sr.
Modern Transnational Yoga: A History of Spiritual Commodification, Jon A. Brammer
Strains of Traditional Religion in the Realm of Modern Entertainment, Gordon P. Dupuis
Medjugorje, Bosnia: Does Mary Integrate or Disintegrate?, Kathryn Tegart Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Spiritual Not Religious: What the Catholic Church in America Must Do to Become Relevant Again in a New Generation, John P. Campbell
Kali's Prophets: The Consecration of Women's Spirituality Through Kali, Jennifer Madray
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
How Our Images of God May Impact the Future of the American Catholic Church, Anthony M. Conti
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Hellenization of Judaea and Its Effects on the Death & Burial Practices of Jerusalem (c. 332 BCE-c. 70 CE), Eric L. Stegmaier
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Christian Ritual Meal as a Symbol of Love and Unity, Augustine Owusu-Sekyere
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Diamide Macrocycles, Diogenes Placencia
Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, Michael Saranich Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Stewardship: A Means to Peace and Social Justice, Wayne E. Sandford
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Origin and Growth of Modern Lay Movements in the Roman Catholic Church and Their Potential in the Eastern Rite, Andrew C. Bamber
Continued Renewal of Apostolic Religious Life: A Transformative Model, Sister Maria Iannuccillo
Contending Views of Violence:The Jihad of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists Versus the Just War Traditional of the Islamic and Christian Communities, Ronald Joseph Pierpaoli
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
A Critical Appraisal of Marriage as Sacrament by Catholic Theologians, John Jay Mann Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Pastoral Care, the Elderly and Hospitalization as a Rite of Passage, Richard E. Beattie
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
An Investigation of the Anti-Jewish Rhetoric in the Apostolic Writings of the Gospels and Acts and its Repercussions for Christian-Jewish Dialogue, David Gutterman Rabbi