Submissions from 2005


A Reforma do Ensino de Ciências no Ensino Secundário Brasileiro nas Décadas de 1960 e 1970 [Science Education Reform in Brazilian Secondary Schools in the 1960s and 1970s], Karl M. Lorenz


First Experiences with Object Lessons in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Origins of a Progressive Pedagogy for the Brazilian Primary School, Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 2004


All for One and One for All: Designing Web-Based Courses for Students Based Upon Individual Learning Styles, Michael K. Barbour and Morris Cooze


The Role of Mediating Teachers in Newfoundland's New Model of Distance Education, Michael K. Barbour and Dennis Mulcahy


Connecticut Blueprint for a NCLB “HOUSSE” in Educational Technology, Antoinette P. Bruciati


Robotics Technologies for K-8 Educators: A Semiotic Approach for Instructional Design, Antoinette P. Bruciati


Benchmarks for Assessing the Technological Literacy of a Highly Qualified Paraprofessional, Antoinette P. Bruciati and María Lizano-DiMare


Developing Scientific Talent in Students With Special Needs: An Alternative Model for Identification, Curriculum, and Assessment, Carolyn R. Cooper, Susan M. Baum, and Terry W. Neu


Encountering Children's Literature: An Arts Approach, Jane M. Gangi


Conferencing: An Exploration into Connectivity, Content, and Community, Marc Glassman and Michael K. Barbour


A Service Learning Model: Meeting NCATE Standards Through Educational Technology, Maria Lizano-DiMare


Rui Barbosa and the Argument for Teaching the Natural Sciences in the Brazilian Primary School of the XIX Century, Karl M. Lorenz


Os Livros Didáticos de Matemática na Escola Secundaria Brasileira no Século XIX [Mathematics Textbooks and Brazilian Secondary Education in the XIX Century], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia


Talent Development in Science: A Unique Tale of One Student's Journey, Terry W. Neu, Susan M. Baum, and Carolyn R. Cooper


Paul Laurence Who? Invisibility and Misrepresentation in Children's Literature and Language Arts Textbooks, Mary Jackson Scroggins and Jane M. Gangi

Submissions from 2003


Online Writing as a Form of Electronic Communication in a Second Year Biology Course, Michael Barbour and Michael A. J. Collins


Mathematical Mind Journeys: Awakening Minds to Computational Fluency, Susan Austine Ebdon, Mary McGee Coakley, and Danielle S. Legnard


The College Pedro II and the Modernization of the Secondary School Curriculum in Imperial Brazil, Karl M. Lorenz


De Asilo de Órfãos a Colégio das Elites: A Gênese e a Trajetória do Imperial Collegio de Pedro II [From Orphanage to an Elite College: The Origin and Trajectory of the Imperial College Pedro II], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia


Chocolate Bunnies and Pork for Passover: The School and Home: A Symbiosis for Family Literacy, Karen C. Waters

Submissions from 2002


Bridging the Home and School: A Case Study of One Web-Enabled Technology, Michael K. Barbour


Electronic Messaging and Student Achievement in Second-Year Science Classes, Michael K. Barbour and Michael A. J. Collins

Submissions from 2001


Dual Differentiation: An Approach for Meeting the Curricular Needs of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities, Susan M. Baum, Carolyn R. Cooper, and Terry W. Neu

Submissions from 2000


Barbara Reed: Visionary Storyteller and Dramatist, Jane M. Gangi


Compensation Strategies Used by High-Ability Students With Learning Disabilities Who Succeed In College, Sally M. Reis, Joan M. McGuire, and Terry W. Neu

Submissions from 1999


Parliament and the Internet: The Present and the Future, Michael K. Barbour


A Capacity to See: Memories of Aurand Harris, Jane M. Gangi

Submissions from 1998


Evaluating Online Discussion Forums: Usenet Newsgroups and the Classroom, Michael K. Barbour


Making Sense of Drama in an Electronic Age, Jane M. Gangi


Philosophical Perspectives on Dramatic Art, Jane M. Gangi


Project High Hopes Summer Institute: Curriculum for Developing Talent in Students with Special Needs, Marcia Gentry and Terry W. Neu


Programa de Ensino da Escola Secundária Brasileira: 1850-1951 [Teaching Programs of the Brazilian Secondary School: 1850-1951], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia


Under the Gaze: Learning to Be Black in White Society, by Jennifer Kelly (Book Review), Brian K. Perkins

Submissions from 1997


The Rhetoric of Rage: Women in Dorothy Parker, Sondra Melzer


Case Studies of High-Ability Students With Learning Disabilities Who Have Achieved, Sally M. Reis, Terry W. Neu, and Joan M. McGuire

Submissions from 1994


Public Schools Should Learn to Ski: A Systems Approach to Education, Stephen E. Rubin

Submissions from 1993


O Currículo de 1870 de Paulino de Souza [The 1870 Curriculum of Paulino de Souza], VIII Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Histórica , Florianópolis, Brasil (1993), Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1992


O Currículo de 1899 de Epitácio Pessoa [The 1899 Curriculum of Epitácio Pessoa], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1991


Currículos de 1892 e de 1894: Tentativas de Acomodação do Currículo de 1890 de Benjamin Constant [The Curricula of 1892 and 1894: Attempts at Accommodating to the Curriculum of 1890 of Benjamin Constant], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia


Historia do Currículo da Escola Secundária Brasileira, 1838-1971: Uma Pesquisa em Curso [History of the Curriculum of the Brazilian Secondary School, 1838-1971: Research in Progress], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1990


Analise Quantitativa do Currículo Escolar [Quantitative Analysis of the School Curriclum], Karl M. Lorenz

Submissions from 1989


Perfil Quali-Quantitativo dos Currículos do Ensino Secundário Brasileiro no Século XIX [A Quali-Quantitative Profile of the Curricula of the Brazilian Secondary School of the XIX Century], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1988


Competências Básicas no Estudo da Pesquisa Educacional [Minimum Competencies in a Course on Research in Education], Karl M. Lorenz


Inovação Curricular e a Reforma de 1855 de Luiz Pedreira do Couto Ferraz [Curricular Innovation and the 1855 Reform of Luiz Pedreira do Couto Ferraz], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1986


Competências Mínimas na Programação em BASIC [Minimum Competencies for Programming in BASIC], Karl M. Lorenz


Produção de Materiais Didáticos de Ciências no Brasil, Período 1950 a 1980 [The Development of Science Education Materials in Brazil from 1950 to 1980], Karl M. Lorenz and Vilma Marcassa Barra


Estudo sumário das ciências no currículo da escola secundária Brasileira [A Summary of Science Studies in the Brazilian Secondary School Curriculum], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia


A Computer-Managed Instruction Model Designed to Examine Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics of Selected Ninth Grade Students in an Urban High School, Gail Nordmoe

Submissions from 1985


Estabilidade Substantiva do Currículo da Escola Secundária Brasileira [Substantive Stability of the Brazilian Secondary School Curriculum], Karl M. Lorenz and Ariclê Vechia

Submissions from 1984


Using Teacher Self-Assessment to Identify Staff Development Needs, Edward F. Iwanicki and Lucille McEachern